Hits: 6230
Times of India
04 September 2008
Delhi, India

Dr. Mukesh Batra Dr. Mukesh Batra
Backache can be cured by homeopathy
I am a 35–year–old female working as a software engineer. I often suffer from chronic backaches, which frequently keep me away from work. But, all my reports are normal. Please help.
Back pain is second only to the common cold as the most common cause of work absenteeism. Every year, women lose 44 million working days due to backaches.

Homeopathy treats the problem holistically by reducing the frequency and intensity of pain, improving back flexibility, reducing dependency on painkillers, and increasing work productivity. Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause pain and other symptoms due to pressure on the lumbar vertebrae. Avoid stretching or lifting heavy weights. Use a firm mattress for sleeping and maintain an ideal weight. Gentle exercise and swimming can help overcome stiffness. Take homeopathic medicine Rhus tox 30, 5 pills twice daily till the symptoms subside.

I am 23 years old and already losing hair. My father is also bald. I have been told that if baldness is hereditary, then no medicine can help. Is that true?
No. In cases of hereditary baldness, medical support can certainly slow down the progression of thinning and control hair loss. Re–growth may or may not be possible. International studies have shown that homeopathic ingredients are very useful in treating hair loss. They act as a natural inhibitor of DHT (Dihydrotestosetrone – the hormone responsible for hair loss) and thereby halt the progression of hair loss without any side effects. In case of genetic hair loss, you must be careful about diet. Avoid meat which is a DHT activator. Green tea and soya are natural DHT inhibitors that help reduce hair loss.

Can you please suggest some medicine for hyper–acidity which I get mostly at night?
Take Nux vom 30, 5 pills every evening. Eat small meals at frequent intervals. Avoid irritants such as alcohol, tea, and coffee, hot and spicy food. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

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