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DNA India
13 June 2011

While the monsoon is yet to hit Surat, the city has already reported casualties to infectious diseases. Normally these diseases appear only after prolonged rainfall.

Ajay Bharti, 17, a resident of Rasulabad died during treatment at new civil hospital. He complained of vomiting and dysentery while Ramesh Yadav, 25, died after he was diagnosed with malaria.
According to figures released by new civil hospital, seven people tested positive for cholera in last one week. Fifteen cases of dengue were also reported. Interestingly, these diseases are being reported

after sparse rainfall in the city. Normally such cases erupt after prolonged rainfall, which result in water logging in low lying areas of the city.

Cases were detected chiefly from slum pockets in Bamroli, Pandesara, Vadod, Kamrunagar and Unn among others. These areas lack cleanliness and basic amenities, which lead to several infectious diseases, said officials. Private clinics are already witnessing hordes of patients. However, according to Surat

Municipal Corporation (SMC), appropriate measures have been taken to contain the spread of such diseases.

According to Hemant Desai, deputy municipal commissioner (health & hospitals), all zones of SMC have been alerted regarding the situation and routine checks are already on. ’Blood samples are being collected and medicines distributed to people, who were found to be suffering from infectious diseases,’ Desai added.

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