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The Financial Express.
17 Aug 2012
New Delhi

The government is planning to introduce 'Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices' to deal with the alleged nexus between doctors and drug companies, the Lok Sabha was informed today.

Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, in his written reply to a question in the House, said his Ministry had received 702 complaints against doctors regarding their alleged nexus with drug manufacturers.

The complaints have been referred to the Medical Council of India (MCI) for action, he said.

"The government proposes to make the existing provisions more stringent through 'Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices' (UCPMP) proposed by the Department of Pharmaceuticals," Azad said in his written reply.

He said a total of 702 such complaints against doctors have been received by the MCI in 2011–12, of which 343 have been referred to state Medical Councils/governments, while registration of three doctors has been temporarily suspended and one doctor has been given a warning and 168 cases are under consideration of the MCI.

In 2010–11, Azad said, a total of 824 complaints were received and 468 were referred to State Medical Councils/ governments while registration of 10 doctors was suspended temporarily and warnings issued to four doctors.

Similarly, 769 complaints against doctors were received by MCI in 2009–10 and registration of 16 doctors was suspended temporarily and warnings issued to six doctors, while remaining 254 cases were referred to states.

Azad said MCI takes action in such complaints as per provisions of the Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002.

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