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Corneal Transplantation and Donation
The cornea is the clear ‘Dome–like’ window covering the front of the eye that allows light to pass through it to the retina, which in turn enables us to see. To see clear, the cornea must remain healthy. A corneal transplant is the transfer of corneal tissue from a donor to a recipient. Whole eye transplants are not possible.
People who suffer from certain neurological (nervous system) conditions may not be eligible as donors.
Condition that require a transplant: Some diseases which can cause the cornea to deteriorate are: Success of Corneal Transplants
The survival rate after corneal transplants is: Corneal Donation
The only substitute for a human cornea is another human cornea. Corneal transplant surgery would not be possible without the thousands of generous donors and their families who have donated corneal tissue so that others may see. When consent for donation is given, corneas must be surgically removed from a deceased person within twelve hours of their death. Very few conditions exclude people from corneal donation.

Become a Donor
If you wish to be a donor after your death, the most important thing to do is to tell your family of your wishes. In addition, because it is not always routine for the hospital to approach the family about eye donation, the family should raise the issue with the hospital staff within a few hours of death.