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The painful mouth ulcers are often annoying. The situation becomes worse when these canker sores interfere with your ability to eat and speak. Mouth ulcers can occur due to various reasons like stress, illness, and vitamin deficiencies.

Tips To Treat Mouth Ulcers

Here are few easy home remedies for mouth ulcers:

1. Turmeric with honey: Take a pinch or two of turmeric and mix it with honey to form a paste and apply it on the ulcer. Turmeric is known as a natural antiseptic, which can help to prevent infection at the ulcer site. Honey acts as a humectant and hastens the formation of new tissues and rapid healing.

2. Holy basil: You can either chew 4-5 leaves of Tulsi or can have a cup of Tulsi green tea, two to three times a day, to improve the healing of ulcers. Tulsi, by virtue of its adaptogenic properties, helps the body to adapt to the illness and fight inflammation.

3. Coconut oil and coconut water: According to Ayurveda, drinking tender coconut water reduces heat in the body and hasten the healing of mouth ulcers. Applying coconut oil on the ulcer prevents further scarring and helps in faster new tissue generation.

4. Licorice: Liquorice is well-documented remedy for mouth ulcer in the Ayurveda. Studies show that application of licorice paste or powder on the ulcer reduces pain, redness and swelling due to its inherent anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Baking soda: Make a paste of baking soda with water and directly apply it on the ulcer. Baking soda neutralizes the acid formed at the site of the ulcer and therefore provides quick pain relief.

Important note: Mouth ulcers resolves within a 5-7 days. If you find a persistent mouth ulcer which do not cause much pain, it could be a sign of cancer or any other complication. Such patients are recommended to consult a physician.