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Bad breath is embarrassing and can shake your confidence as well as affecting your relationship. Bad breath is usually a result of bacterial growth on tongue, teeth and cheeks. Fortunately, the problem can be easily managed with a few hacks.

Ways To Fix Bad Breath

1. Use tongue scrapper: Scrapping tongue, especially in the middle and backward area is the most effective method to get rid of bad breath. Scrapping not only reduces the bacterial flora, but also removes the sulfur load on the tongue which causes foul smell.

2. Floss and mouthwash: Mouth hygiene is the key to fresh breath. Regular floss and mouthwash gargle reduces the bacterial flora in the mouth and teeth and prevents odorous smell.

3. Carry a mint or mouth-fresheners: Always carry mint based chewing gums or fennel based mouth-freshener with you while leaving for an important meeting or date and save yourself from the agony of bad breath when needed.

4. Sugar: Many people are not aware of odour removing property of sugar. If you are not diabetic, chew a tablespoonful of sugar and get rid of smelly mouth instantly, especially after eating onions. But do not forget to drink plenty of water afterwards.

5. Avoid certain foods: Certain foods should be avoided before any personal meeting to avoid bad smells. Food like onion, garlic, celery, chives, and radish have an inherently strong smell which lingers for a long time in your mouth after eating. Sugary and starchy foods like potatoes, sweets, bread, and many more immediately increases the acidity in the mouth and allows bacterial growth. One should be careful to drink plenty of water and rinse mouth after having such foods to avoid bad breath.

6. Stay hydrated: Lack of moisture inside mouth increases the mineral load in the mouth, which can lead to bad breath. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to avoid bad breath.