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An extensive patient history is taken and the patient’s physical and psychological symptoms are observed, then an initial prescription is made. The case–taking is very important since it is the actual leader to a perfect diagnosis. The details with respect to mental and physical make–up of the patient is assessed by the physician by asking and inquiring into the intimate details of the patients. If the medication does not have the desired effect or if the symptoms persist, a second analysis is done and a second prescription is given. This process continues until the correct medication for the underlying ailment is found. Constitutional treatment is generally used for chronic problems, acute, or short–term, ailments are usually treated with remedies specific to the illness.

As we are aware that no two individuals are alike so the treatment varies from individual to individual. The majority of homeopaths practice “constitutional” homeopathy, based on the idea that each person’s constitution that is mental, physical and emotional makeup may need to be treated along with any specific ailments. Classically, only one homeopathic medicine is used at a time. Two persons having similar complaint for example, chronic rhinitis may not have the same drug prescribed because they may constitutionally vary. Individuals also come with definite temperaments under which they can be classified. There are five known temperaments viz, Sanguine, Bilious, Lymphatic, Leuco–phlegmatic and Nervous. Each individual can be classified by the physician in the category to which he belongs. And accordingly the prescriptions are made after a detail study of the physical and mental make–up of the patient which is assessed by various questions that enquire in to the various details especially into the mental state of mind.

This is the most important aspect of Homeopathic case taking which is directly related to the treatment. The Mind is studied at different levels viz, the Will, Emotion/Understanding and the Intellect.

This includes the wants of an individual. The cravings, aversions, desires come under this heading.

The emotional level of the mind is exhibited at this level. The individual emotional level can be assessed by analyzing the level of his anger, irritation, nervousness and his capacity to tackle emotional situations.

This gives an assessment of the intelligence of the person. It evaluates the level of perception of the individual especially with respect to situations he faces.