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Dr. Amarsinha Nikam Dr. Amarsinha Nikam
A movie which is the true representation of influence and power of Homoeopathy. ‘Pratisaad’ as the name suggests is a mild & gentle response same as the process of Homoeopathy – a harmless and non-violent treatment. It is based on the true story of Dr. Nikam’s life depicting how much ups & downs he has faced in his life and how he dedicated his entire life for the advancement of Homeopathy and helps ease the sufferings of patients.

1. Dr. Nikam, What inspired you to make this movie?
Movies are good source of entertainment and it also has a mass appeal and so far no movie has been made on such a subject. It is just that through this movie I can communicate the strength of Homoeopathy which is absolutely harmless and non-violent and gives dramatic results.

2. What is the movie ‘Pratisaad’ all about?
‘Pratisaad’ is all about the response – a true story of a Homoeopathic Doctor depicting his entire life and incidences which led him to extraordinary researches which are now the benchmark in Homoeopathy.

3. How your life has been throughout so far as a Homoeopathic Doctor?
It was a challenging task, I have faced many ups and downs and at each step I realized the potential of Homoeopathy which inspired me to conduct my own researches which are now being followed by many of the homoeopaths worldwide.

4. What according to you is the future of Homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy will grow leaps and bounds the future is more blossoming. Homoeopathy is useful to mankind and more & more people are turning towards Homoeopathy to ease their sufferings as this is a harmless treatment with sure shot results.

5. What message will you give to budding Homoeopaths?
They should use Homoeopathy for serving mankind, all chronic, critical and emergency cases can be treated by Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy has a vast scope. To be a successful Homoeopath, they just need the right principle – ‘Similia Similibus, Curantur’- like cures likes.

6. You are a successful homeopath whom would you like give credit to?
Credit goes to not just one but many. First of all my family. They are the backbones of what I am today. Then comes my staff .That is my huge support system. And my patients without whom I could not have been what I am today.