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17 December 2008
New Delhi, India

This sector not being affected by the economic crisis and it is going to expand and create more jobs and resources in India, says Health Minister
Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss on Tuesday said that the country’s healthcare sector would expand further and create more job opportunities as it is the only sector not being affected by the global meltdown.

“Healthcare is the only sector not being affected by the global meltdown and it is going to expand and create more jobs and resources in India,” Ramadoss said while addressing a heath summit here.

Emphasising the need for increasing the public–private partnership (PPP) in the health sector, Ramadoss said, “Unfortunately the government has limited funds, hence, the private sector, as part of their corporate social responsibility, should take the initiative to provide better healthcare services in the country.”

Ramadoss said that human resources were the biggest challenge before the healthcare sector as the country needs large number of doctors, paramedics and nurses and experts in super specialty areas, reports IANS.

“The government, under various schemes, is trying to meet the demands but without private sector help it is difficult to achieve the goal of providing best health services in the country,” the Minister added.

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