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Pune: Convergence of bio-nano-info technologies may lead to the development of nano robots that can help in treating patients, former President APJ Abdul Kalam has said.

"Nano robots, when injected into a patient, my expert friends say, will diagnose and deliver treatment exclusively in the affected area. Then it gets digested as it is a DNA-based product," Kalam said while addressing students at the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) here.

He explained how information and communication technologies (ICT), aerospace and nano technologies will converge and revolutionise the aerospace industry.

"This technological convergence will enable building of cost-effective, low weight, high payload and highly-reliable aerospace systems, which can be used for inter-planetary transportation," Kalam said.

Such convergence has made the border between areas completely porous, he added.

"Information Technology (IT) and Communication Technology have already converged leading to ICT.. IT combined with bio-technology has led to bio-informatics. Now nano technology is knocking at our doors," he said, reports IANS.

He said it is the field of the future. It will replace microelectronics and many other fields with tremendous application potential in the area of medicine, electronics and material science.

"When nano technology and ICT meet, integrated silicon electronics, photonics are born and it can be said that material convergence will happen," Kalam said.

"As material convergence and biotechnology are linked, a new science called intelligent bioscience will be born, which will lead to disease-free, happy and more intelligent human capabilities," he added.

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