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The parent’s knowledge of sex, especially in relation to their children is important. The parent has to pay a lot of attention to the child’s knowledge of sex while the child is growing up.It sometimes is awkward and embarrassing for a lot of parents to approach the topic of sex with their child. The parent has to overcome that awkwardness. Studies have shown that young people who talked to their parents about sex tend to wait longer to have the first intercourse. They also are more likely to use precautions and birth control methods and are more aware of the implications that are involved once one is sexually active.
Some pointers to assist parents with educating their child:
How to Protect Yourself from Drug?
Sex is an expression of feelings, thoughts and emotions. The mature understanding of this is what makes an adult. One does not need to shudder or feel embarrassed when the topic is brought up. Our sexuality is a part of us and should never be suppressed or ignored. The choices an individual makes is a reflection of himself–let your foremost be “Awareness”.