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The conventional treatment of medicine with strong chemicals and ointment removes the disease from local site but it soon reappears with more intensity and on larger areas. Every time it needs more and more strong treatments. Moreover these treatments if taken for long time damages the vital organs like liver and kidneys, threatening the life in total.

Some times these treatments do not show any effect. The progress of disease and tendency of psoriasis remains unaffected by these treatments.

The conventional treatment of Psoriasis controls increased production of skin cells for some time. But the main cause of increased production of skin cells is not in the skin cells. It is triggered by the type of white blood cell “T” cells. The conventional medicine has no role in changing the behavior of “T” cell. So the disease continues to progress and comes back again and again.

Whereby constitutional Homeopathic treatment aims at root cause of the disease the “T” cells…eventually the immune system. Homeopathic treatment does not suppress the immune system but renders it to its normal healthy condition i.e. tunes it.

Procedure of Homeopathic Cure
Homeopathy not only treats the Psoriasis but stops the relapses permanently. If patient has patience and the doctor has dedicated for the cause cure is sure.

The symptoms of disease are not the disease as such. The symptoms of the disease are the inadequate effort of immune system to throw away the disease. By the treatments that aim to remove these symptoms suppress the immune system for some time and allows the disease to progress freely inside. The increased disease is again given a strong but inadequate effort by the immune systems when it reappears affecting larger areas and more intensity. The repeated assault on the immune system for its cry for appropriates remedy, breaks down immune system at the cost of damage to vital organs of body like liver and kidneys.

Homeopathic medicines help to strengthen the immune system to imitate a stronger and adequate response to throw away the disease. That is the reason that after proper homeopathic medicine an increase in the existing disease condition called aggravation occurs. It is followed by permanent freedom from the disease.

The old diseases and conditions patient has suffered come back it shows that these diseases were not treated but suppressed. When in turn these conditions treated homeopathically pure health is restored permanently.

In psoriasis the abnormally behavior of “T” cells becomes normal resulting in no further relapse of the disease.

Difference between True cure and Natural Remission of Psoriasis
Psoriasis some times naturally disappears without any treatment called natural remission. But after a few months it reappears again. This is often confused as cure of a disease. The skeptics can reject homeopathic cure as natural remission. So one must know the basic difference between the two.

In natural remission when the disease disappears for some time but soon reappears as the trigger factors occur like change in disease favorable season, stress, strain etc. Every time when it reappears it comes with more intensity and on larger areas and stays for longer and may not disappear naturally, or needs more strong treatment. It means although the disease might have disappeared from skin but inside it was progressive.

On the other hand during the course of homeopathic treatment even if the disease reappears it reappears with less and less intensity and on smaller areas. And as the treatment starts taking effect on deeper levels it disappears and does not reappear even in the presence of strongly active trigger factors.

It is also observed that in rare cases if the patient does not maintain normal healthy life and indulges in addictions, stress, strain, favoring psoriasis to progress. It may reappear but in mild form and on small area and disappears with shorter course of treatment.

Only constitutional homeopathic treatment from a qualified homeopathic doctor can cure psoriasis.

What the Homeopathic Doctor needs to know to Cure the Patient
Whenever there is disease there are prominent disease symptoms which are easily observed and felt by the patient. But there are prior to disease changes in the whole of the person including his personal, social, environmental behavior. All these changes comprise the disease and needs to be considered for the treatment of complete disease. In short a homeopath needs to know not only the biography of the disease but the biography of the person suffering for suffering from disease. A guideline of questionnaire is available for the patients on request.

Detailed history of the patient including the study of nature, attitude, behavior of the patient. His likes and dislikes and tolerances and intolerances, we get clue to find a homeopathic remedy that extinguishes the disease from the root. As a result the immunity stops sending false signals to produce excessive skin cells causing psoriasis.

Social Factors
Psoriasis has a physical impact on the skin, but it also affects people’s feelings, behaviors and experiences. It is important to recognize and acknowledge the social effects of Psoriasis in order to cope up with the disease. Not all people react the same way toward Psoriasis. Very little is known about why this is the case. Some people may be able to handle the emotional and social aspects of having Psoriasis, while others struggle with these issues. Psoriasis marks people as different because their skin looks different from other people’s skin. Some people may react with insensitivity and ignorance to people with Psoriasis because they don’t know what it is; it is something they’re not used to seeing, or they are afraid they may “Catch” it.

There are many ways to cope up with these reactions, and to prevent Psoriasis–and people’s reactions to it–from affecting your self–esteem.

Psoriasis and your Emotions
When people are diagnosed with Psoriasis, it changes them physically because of the lesions that appear on the skin. But, just as importantly, it may also affect how they react emotionally. Now that their skin looks different, it may influence how they work, play, view themselves and interact with others.

This section talks about the emotional aspects of living with Psoriasis. Learning to recognize and manage your personal feelings about having Psoriasis is as important as learning to treat the physical symptoms.

Psoriasis Triggers
Psoriasis is not contagious–no one can “Catch” it from another person. Because of their genes, certain people are more likely to develop it, but a “Trigger” is usually necessary to make Psoriasis appear. These triggers may include emotional stress, injury to the skin, some types of infection and reaction to certain drugs.

Used to treat manic depression and other psychiatric disorders. Lithium aggravates Psoriasis in about half of those with Psoriasis who take it. However, people can ask their physicians about alternatives to lithium.

Quinacrine, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may cause a flare of Psoriasis, usually two to three weeks after the drug is taken. Hydroxychloroquine has the lowest incidence of side effects.

This high blood pressure medication worsens Psoriasis in about 25 percent to 30 percent of patients with Psoriasis who take it. It is not known if all high blood pressure (beta blocker) medications worsen Psoriasis, but they may have that potential. Sometimes other medications can be substituted.

This heart medication has been reported to worsen some cases of Psoriasis.

This drug is used to treat arthritis. It is a nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drug. It has worsened some cases of Psoriasis. Other anti–inflammatories usually can be substituted. Indomethacin’s negative effects are usually minimal when it is taken properly. Its side effects are usually outweighed by its benefits in psoriatic arthritis.

What are some other Triggers? Contributed by Dr. R. S. Sonawane