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Hysteroscopy is a procedure that involves insertion of a narrow telescope–like instrument through the vagina and cervix into the cavity of the uterus (endometrial cavity). The uterine cavity is then distended with fluid and visualized. A hysteroscopy is a test that lets your doctor examine the inside walls of your uterus. Having an abnormality in your uterus can reduce your chances for pregnancy. If your uterus has an abnormality the chances of pregnancy may be decreased. A hysteroscopy is a test that uses sterile salt water and a tiny telescope to visualize the inside of your uterus. The test is able to detect scar tissue, polyps, fibroids, and any uterine abnormality such as a septate uterus that may prevent an embryo from implanting properly.

Indications of Hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy Polyp Hysteroscopy Polyp
If any defects are found then they should be corrected with operative hysteroscopy which involves placing instruments through ports in the scope that allow us to cut, cauterize, etc., to correct the problem.

Contraindications of Hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy Hysteroscopy
Complications with Hysteroscopy