A new drug–free treatment for allergies is successful because it negates emotions and anxiety. According to a Harvard Medical School study, stress and negative emotional responses are associated with allergic reactions like hay fever, asthma and eczema. But conventional allergy treatments typically involve antihistamines rather than addressing unresolved emotional issues. As a result, medications only offer temporary relief from symptoms.
In contrast, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) delivers a distinctive, drug fee approach to treating allergies. This gentle, do–it–yourself form of acupressure neutralizes negative, disruptive feelings, emotions and stress and balances the energy meridians (chi). When balance is achieved in the meridians, physical symptoms of allergies dissipate.
According to the National Institutes of Health, more than half of all Americans have some kind of allergy. Inhaled allergens like molds, pollens, dust mites are among the most common and sufferers tend to rely on antihistamines to alleviate symptoms. Allergies to insect stings, nuts and latex can be life threatening with an estimated 40 million people being at risk for anaphylactic allergic reactions. Typically, allergy sufferers are advised to know what things they are allergic to ‘¦ and to avoid those things.
According to Gary Craig, the Stanford–trained engineer who developed EFT, “Research, like the Harvard Medical School study, is showing a distinct association between unresolved negative emotions and illness. EFT is one of the only techniques available that addresses illness at this fundamental emotional level. It is easy to learn and anybody can apply EFT to themselves, either to prevent allergies, or to treat an allergy attack”.
EFT is a modern version of acupuncture that has been used for 5000 years to treat emotional and physical ailments. It combines gentle fingertip tapping on key acupuncture points while focusing on physical or emotional issues. Says Craig, “It consistently provides relief to allergy sufferers where allergy shots, sprays, and antihistamines have failed. EFT not only relieves immediate allergy symptoms but in most cases, the allergies are neutralized permanently”.
Dr. Anne Curtis attended to a patient in the middle of the night. “She was covered from head to foot in a very red, very itchy allergic rash caused by antibiotics”, says Dr. Curtis. “She was also very anxious because the last time she had an allergy to antibiotics she went on to experience breathing difficulties and to become very swollen. There were reasons why both of us wanted to avoid giving her drugs if at all possible”. Instead she used EFT for her patient’s reaction and for the anxiety associated with it.
Instantly the itchy, prickling eyes and skin were relieved and the rash began to disperse. In total, they did EFT for about ten minutes. Says Dr. Curtis, “She now felt comfortable to go back to bed and when I saw her in the morning she had no rash left at all”.
“We are not advocating the use of EFT instead of avoiding allergens or seeking medical attention”, says Craig. “But most people with allergies are likely to come in contact with foods, chemicals, drugs, or molds that trigger a reaction when medical treatment is unavailable. We have received many reports where EFT was used to halt anaphylactic reactions while waiting for emergency medical assistance. Others report that they have eliminated life long allergies to dust, animals and foods – they simply no longer react when exposed to these allergens”.
“EFT was designed to put this universal healing tool into the hands of as many people as possible”, explains Craig. “To this end, I am offering the EFT Manual as a free download from the EFT website”.
Over 300,000 have downloaded Craig’s free training manual and another 10,000 download it each month. The official EFT Manual has been translated by volunteer practitioners into nine languages.
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Source: www.naturalnews.com