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Acupuncture is based on the theory of yin and yang, which are not absolute but relative. Yin and yang are the opposites that make the whole. Yin is conceptualized as being cold, dark and female. Yang is warm, light and male. Neither of them can exist in isolation. These two opposites are not stationary, but in constant motion. The interaction of yin and yang produces “Qi”, the bipolar energy. Life is possible only because of the interplay between these forces. The body, mind and emotions are all subject to the influences of yin and yang.

Each organ has an element of yin and yang within it. The histological structures and nutrients are yin, and the functional activities are yang. Some organs are predominantly yang in their functions, such as the liver, while others are predominantly yin, such as the kidney. Even though one organ may be predominantly yin (or yang) in nature, the balance of yin and yang is maintained in the whole healthy body because the sum total of the yin and yang will be in a balance. Historically, acupuncture points were believed to be the holes that allow entry into channels. These holes provide us gateways to influence, redirect, increase, or decrease body’s vital substance, Qi, thus correcting many of the imbalances.

The efficacy of acupuncture, especially for relieving pain, has been proved beyond doubt and is no longer a question today. According to the Gate Control Theory, pain signals pass through a number of high–traffic ‘Gates’ in the spinal chord, as they move from the area of injury upward into the brain. Like a road or highway, these nerves can handle only a limited number of nerve signals at a particular time.

Under normal circumstances, this gate is wide open and pain impulses get through very easily. But when acupuncture needling is carried out, another stream of non–painful impulse flow towards the spinal chord. This causes overcrowding at the gates, resulting in jamming. This competitive inhibition of pain impulses leads to an analgesic effect and no pain is felt at the level of brain. Chemical or humoral mechanisms are also involved in relieving pain. These substances, called endorphins, are present in the brain, spinal chord and the intestines. The pituitary responds to acupuncture by releasing this painkiller, into the blood and cerebro–spinal fluid. This indirectly decreases the pain by reducing the firing rate of the pain impulses by the nerves at a distance. This phenomenon is described as pre–synaptic inhibition.

The electrical theory of acupuncture states that acupuncture works by influencing the electromagnetic field in the body. This electrical field influences the growth, maturation, and functioning of some types of cells. The body also continually generates tiny, but detectable electrical discharges. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the electromagnetic fields in the body and the channels or meridians.

Acupuncture points, which lie along the meridians, when stimulated, alter the amount of neurotransmitters, leading to an altered sensation of pain. The important effects produced by acupuncture are analgesic, sedative, homeostatic or regulatory (an effect important for the body to adjust itself to the external environment), immune–enhancing, tranquilizing–apart from mere sedation, and motor recovery in paralytic patients.

Apart from controlling pain, acupuncture can treat a wide variety of common and uncommon disorders. It has been shown to improve the circulation of blood, decrease high blood pressure, stabilize the rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, control the secretion of the gastric acid, increase the production of red and white cells. It also stimulates the release of a variety of hormones that help body to respond to injury and stress.

The following is a list of disorders that can be treated by acupuncture (World Health Organization data):
Respiratory: Acute Sinusitis, Acute rhinitis, Common cold, Acute tonsillitis, Acute bronchitis, Bronchial asthma.
Eye: Acute conjunctivitis, short sightedness (in children), Cataract (without complications).
Mouth: Toothache, post extraction pain, Gingivitis (gum disease), Acute and chronic pharyngitis.
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Hiccups, Gastritis, Gastric Hyperacidity, Ulcers, Colitis, Constipation, Diarrhea, and Paralytic ileus.
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Headache and migraine, Trigeminal neuralgia, Paralysis following stroke, Meniere’s disease, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting), Intercostal neuralgia (pain in the ribs), Cervicobrachial syndrome (pain radiating from neck to arm), “Frozen shoulder” or “Tennis elbow”, Sciatica, Low back pain and Osteoarthritis.

In the United States, acupuncture is used frequently for the treatment of chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, headache, athletic injuries, and post traumatic and post surgical pain. It is also used for treating chronic pain associated with immune function dysfunction, such as psoriasis (skin disorders), allergies, and asthma. Acupuncture is also found to be effective for the treatment of mind–body disorders such as anxiety, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, insomnia, menopausal symptoms, and depression.

Acupuncture has become popular throughout the world in the past few decades. It is now recognized as a simple, safe, effective and economical form of therapy, besides being free from side effects. It has not only been used as an anaesthetic agent, but also in many diseases that are resistant to conventional forms of therapy.

Some modern application of acupuncture is in the treatment of disorders such as alcoholism, addiction, smoking, and eating disorders.

Acupuncture – You’re not sticking me with that!
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing technique and acupressure have a great deal in common. Both these techniques use the energy paths in the body to make health possible by stimulating the flow of energy. It is brought down to a simplistic explanation of getting the Qi or Chi to flow without any blockage through the human body in order to maintain a state of good health. There are 365 points in the body that acupuncturists recognize and these are along the 14 meridians or energy paths.

Acupuncture for arthritis: A plan to free you of the agony
Most all people who suffer arthritis complain of the pounding pain that the disease causes. More often than not, only advanced generation medicines can aid in easing the painfulness. Unbeknownst to some, there is another key relief for the uncomfortableness a patient experiences and that is acupuncture arthritis.

Receiving acupuncture pain relief for your back
Back trouble is one of those horrible affairs in life that just will not go away. It can persist for days and weeks at a time before going away for months at a time. It is really discouraging as back pain prevents you from doing your everyday routine. You have to stop any strenuous physical activities and you feel miserable the whole time.

How safe are acupuncture needles?
The safety of acupuncture needles is of concern to many people due to the different diseases in the world today, especially those caused by needles that are unclean. In the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has very strict guidelines on the use of acupuncture needles, such as the requirement that they be sterile and can only be used one time. In spite of these safety precautions that are in place, some people will still be scared to use any kind of needles, including acupuncture needles. Choosing an experienced practitioner can allay some of those fears.

Benefits of acupuncture pressure points
Throughout the body, there are many different pressure points. These pressure points are small areas that react to stimuli throughout the body.

Your next step in skin fitness is the acupuncture
The technique of inserting filiform needles into specific spots on the body and then manipulating those needles is a practice that many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have done for centuries. Acupuncture, as it is called, is understood by many of us to be the practice of balancing the body’s energy, or qi, which can be beneficial in relieving pain and nausea among many other things.

An introduction to acupuncture
Acupuncture forms part of traditional Chinese medicine. It has been claimed that it is one of the oldest forms of healing throughout the world. Underneath acupuncture is the belief that a disruption in the flow of imbalances and qi within the forces of both yin and yang cause diseases to occur. A combination of herbs, massage, meditation and acupuncture are believed to restore the balance of yin–hang and the flow of qi and this helps the healing process. Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points of the body, which removes blockages in the flow of qi and therefore restores and maintains one’s health. In the United States, acupuncture is known to be an area of alternative medicine, and is not widely accepted as part of conventional medicine.

Acupuncture, the alternative medicine
Acupuncture is an ancient chinese method of healing. It has been around for over 2000 years, and is still being used, now, as an accepted alternative medical practice. This wasn’t always so. In 1972 then President Nixon made a trip to China and acupuncture was "Discovered" by the western world and news of its great uses was becoming known.

Acupuncture points
Here is an article for Acupuncture points topic to your interest, find some useful information form old China Acupuncture practice.

4 Steps to finding how acupuncture can help you
Acupuncture has been used for more than 2,000 years and originates from China. Today it is now one of the oldest and one of the most commonly used medical procedures used in the world. However, although it has been around for over 2,000 years it did not actually become well known until the early 1970’s and has gained ever growing popularity in the US as people have become aware of its success.

Acupuncture chiropractor service – A natural healing method
Acupuncture was first used by the Chinese. Acupuncture uses thin needles to stimulate energy points and to balance the energy flow. It provides a holistic healing and deals with problems all over the body.

A brief review of acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of natural healing that has been around for over 5,000 years and not only practiced in China but also by the Egyptians, Eskimos, Arabs, and Brazilians.

Herbal therapy and acupuncture
Combining herbal therapy with acupuncture produces many benefits. The main benefits include the ability to reduce stress, relieve allergy symptoms and headaches associated with allergies, certain women’s health issues, helping to balance the immune system, and also to relieve the pain of neck, back, bursitis, arthritis and tendonitis.

What is the history of acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medical treatment and has been used since 202BC. Traditional Korean medicine mentions this form of treatment under the name of Chimsul.

Acupuncture during pregnancy
Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese method of using tiny needles to stimulate specific areas or "meridians" of the body and to rebalance the body’s energy, or chi.

Applying acupuncture treatments to stop smoking
It’s the New Year! And one of your new resolutions is to quit smoking. Like the millions upon millions of smokers out there, you have literally tried everything to help you quit smoking and nothing seems to work. Perhaps this year, you may want to try acupuncture.

How does acupuncture work and can it help me?
Let’s start off with the fact that it is one of the ancient methodologies for over 5,000 years, it is a primary health care function in China.
