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Appendicitis In Children
Appendicitis is a very common pediatric ailment, and it can complicate very soon after its occurrence. Appendicitis in children could burst just within about one or two days after the symptoms begin to appear. Urgent medical care is often required, but it is difficult to diagnose appendicitis in children with accuracy most of the time.

Symptoms of Appendicitis in Children
The symptoms of appendicitis in children are much the same as in adults, but the problems are complicated because children cannot express themselves clearly and a misdiagnosis can occur. It is up to the parents to look out for particular signs and symptoms. The following are some of the signs to look out for:
  1. Appendicitis in children begins with a pain that begins in the area of the navel and then gradually moves to the right side of the abdomen. Children will not be able to explain the nature of the pain, but you can do this test. Press the area mildly and then leave it. If the pain becomes more on pressing, and then becomes quite intense when the pressure is released, then it is an appendicitis pain.
  2. There might be low grade fevers.
  3. Children will not feel like eating if it is an appendicitis pain. This may be compounded with a general feeling of nausea and vomiting might also occur.
  4. Children having appendicitis pains will want to urinate quite frequently and they will not be able to control their bladders often.
  5. A swollen region in the abdomen is another important sign of the condition.
Diagnosis of Appendicitis in Children
Since appendicitis in children can easily be confused with other conditions, a host of tests are necessary. The following methods of diagnosis for appendicitis in children are usually performed by doctors:
  1. A physical pressure test of the area.
  2. Pathological and urine tests.
  3. Observation of the X–rays of the abdominal and the thoracic area.
  4. CT scans in cases of confusion about the diagnosis.
Treatment of Appendicitis in Children
The treatment for appendicitis in children is the same as it is for adults. Once the appendicitis in children is confirmed, the surest way to cure the condition is through an appendectomy. This is a surgical procedure in which the inflamed appendix is surgically removed through an incision made in the abdominal area. Depending on the nature of invasiveness of the surgical method, appendectomy can be of the following two types:
  1. An open appendectomy in which an incision is made in the lower abdominal area and the appendix is removed.
  2. A laparoscopic appendectomy in which a very tiny incision is made in the abdomen and the appendix is removed by means of a tool known as a laparoscope.
Children will be required to stay without food and water for some period prior to the operation. They will also need to be hospitalized for at least two days, and more if the appendix has burst and infected the internal viscera.

Quick Tip 1
Pain which starts in the area of the belly button and then slowly moves down to the lower right side of your abdomen is a classic symptom of Appendicitis. Make sure you are aware of these symptoms and contact your doctor if you have any reservations.

Quick Tip 2
Make sure you contact a doctor if there are acute symptoms of middle/lower or right/lower abdominal pain in conjuction with any fever or vomitting.

Quick Tip 3
If you are having these symptoms of abdominal pain for more than four hours, then you should seek an urgent medical evaluation at your doctors office immediately or you should go to your hospitals emergency department straight away.
