Hits: 15314
The following are the nodal points which are selected according to the symptoms that are seen:

Symptoms Points
Fever Du 14, L.I. 4, L.I. 11, Shi Xuan points, the twelve Jing–well points, Er Jian
Coma or fainting Du 26, (all ten) Shi Xuan points, the twelve Jing–well points, Kid 1
Loss of consciousness due to exhaustion or shock Du 20, Ren 4, Ren 8 (moxa), St 36
Spontaneous sweating L.I. 4
Night sweating  SI 3, Ht 6, Kid 7
Insomnia  Du 24, GB 13, Si Shen Kong, Ht 7, Sp 6, Kid 6
Excessive dreaming Ht 7, UB 15, Liv 3, GB 44
Hoarse voice L.I. 18, L.I. 4, Pc 5
Lockjaw St 6, St 7, L.I. 4
Stiff tongue Du 15, Ren 23, Ht 5
Sore Throat L.I. 4, Lu 11, L.I. 1, L.I. 18
Salivation Du 26, St 6, L.I. 4
Palpitations  Pc 4, Pc 6
Chest pain Ren 17, Pc 4, Pc 6
Cough/Asthma Lu 7, Ren 22, Ding Chuan, UB 13
Fullness in Chest Pc 6, Ren 12, Ren 17
Dysphagia Ren 22, Pc 6
Nausea/Vomiting Pc 6, St 36
Hiccough Pc 6, Pc 8, UB 2, UB 17
Abdominal Distension St 25, Ren 12, Ren 6, Pc 6, St 36
Hypochondriac pain  SJ 6, GB 34
Indigestion  St 36, Sp 4
Malnutrition or indigestion in children Si Feng
Insufficient lactation SI 1, St 18
Hypertension St 9
Ben Lou Syndrome Sp 1, Sp 8, Liv 6
Itching of the external genitalia  Liv 5
Spermatorrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation Ren 4, Sp 6
Constipation St 25, Ren 6, Ren 12, SJ 6, Kid 6
Rectal prolapse Du 1, UB 57, Du 20
Spasm of gastrocnemius muscle UB 57, GB 34
Itching  Sp 10, L.I. 11, Sp 6
General weakness Ren 4, St 36, Du 4, Ren 6, UB 23
Convulsions L.I. 4, Liv 3
Epistaxis Du 23, L.I. 4, Lu 6
Diarrhea St 25, Sp 9, St 36, Ren 8 (moxa)