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Ayurveda has various remedies to problems related to skin, hair and body care. Following are some of the common remedies generally suited to persons irrespective of their constitutions. Nevertheless, it is advised to test all the preparations in minor quantities before actual use.

All Purpose Herbal Face Pack

This is a face pack that is suitable for all types of skins and all ages. It removes the dead cells of the face, improves the circulation, tightens the skin and makes you feel healthy.

Ingredients Procedure
Arjun 1tsp
Manjistha 1 tsp
Shankh jeera 1tsp
Chandan 1tsp
Kapur kachri 1tsp
Lodhra 2 tsp
Kushta 1/2 tsp
Mayaphal 1/2 tsp
Jaiphal 1/2 tsp
Alum 1/2 tsp
Mix all the ingredients with water. Apply on face and leave for 20 minutes/overnight.

Fine powder of the mentioned herb should be taken and mixed well in water or milk to form a paste. It can be washed after 20 minutes in case of itching.

Face Pack for Acne/Pimple prone Skin

This Face Pack is good for people who have an oily skin an dare prone to pimples/acne. It helps to dry up the pimple and disinfects the skin thus preventing the spread.

Ingredients Procedure
Triphala 1 tsp
Consume at bedtime
Chandan (sandalwood) 1 tsp, neem 1 tsp, manjishtha 1 tsp Mix all the powders of herbs well in rosewater. Apply on face.

Triphala powder should be taken after dinner with luke warm water (Triphala might cause mild purgation in some persons. It is thus advised to take it in minor quantity in the beginning).

Face Pack for Healthy and Glowing Skin

This Face pack is good for all the skin types. It removes the dead cells while clearing the pores of pimple causing infections. It also clears blemishes and tightens the skin to give it a fresh glow.

Ingredients Procedure
Neem 1/2 tsp
Mulathi 1/2 tsp
Chandan (sandalwood) 1/2 tsp
Triphala 1/2 tsp
Multani mitti 1/2 tsp
Manjishta 1/8 tsp
Mix with water or milk.

Fine powders of all the mentioned herbs should be taken in the mentioned quantities and mixed well. Then a paste should be formed by adding appropriate amounts of milk or plain water. Rosewater can be used instead of water during summer. Neem and Triphala cleanse the skin and tighten it. Manjishta and Chandan (Sandalwood) help to clear the complexion.

Face Pack for Oily Skin

This face pack is very good for oily skin. It cools the skin, tightens the pores and skin. Helps reduce acne/pimples.

Ingredients Procedure
Neem 1/2 tsp
Mulathi 1/2 tsp
Chandan (sandalwood) 1/2 tsp
Triphala 1/2 tsp
Multani mitti 1/2 tsp
Mix with water or milk.

Fine powders of all the mentioned herbs should be taken in the mentioned quantities and mixed well. Then a paste should be formed by adding appropriate amounts of milk or plain water. Rosewater can be used instead of water. Useful for people staying in a hot climate or by persons of the Pitta constitution.

Face pack for Dry/Ageing Skin

This face pack is good for people having a Dry Skin Type. It is specially beneficial for ageing skin as it tightens the skin and revitalizes it.

Ingredients Procedure
Ashvagandha 1/2 tsp
Mulathi 1/2 tsp
Rose powder 1/2 tsp
Ground almonds 1/2 tsp
Mix with almond or til (sesame seed) oil to which milk or fresh cream to be added to make a paste.

Fine powders of all the mentioned herbs should be taken in the mentioned quantities and mixed well. Then a paste should be formed by adding appropriate amounts of milk or plain water.

Face Pack for Blemished Skin

This face pack is very useful in case of blemishes and old dark marks due to causes like pimples/acne, wounds etc.

Ingredients Procedure
Arjun bark
Chandan (Sandalwood)
Rakta Chandan
Haldi (Turmeric)
Take equal quantities of all the powders. One heaped teaspoon of the combination powder should be mixed with water or milk. A thin layer, applied overnight on the face, is very effective

Fine powders of all the mentioned herbs should be taken in the mentioned quantities and mixed well. Then a paste should be formed by adding appropriate amounts of milk or plain water. Rosewater can be used instead of water especially in a hot climate or by persons of the Pitta Constitution. A minor amount of cream or ghee can be added if the pack cracks or itches.

Face Pack for Spot/Pigmentation

This herbal face pack reduces the dark spots or the pigmentation caused due to various causes like acne and old wounds.

Ingredients Procedure
Saariva 1 tsp
Yeshtimadhu (licorice) 1 tsp
Powder is mixed with water or milk and applied.

Fine powder of the mentioned herb should be taken in the mentioned quantities and mixed well. Then a paste should be formed by adding appropriate amounts of milk or plain water or the juice of a lemon. The effects can be seen faster in new cases. The older the case, more is the duration required for treatment.

Face Pack to Lighten the Skin

This face pack helps to reduce discoloration of the skin due to sun–tan etc. It also clears the complexion.

Ingredients Procedure
Chandan (sandalwood) 1 tsp
Haldi (turmeric) 1/2 tsp
Mix with cucumber juice and apply on the face.

Fine powder of the mentioned herb should be taken and mixed well in cucumber or tomato juice to form a paste. Then this paste should be applied on the face or the part of skin to be lightened. It can be washed after 20–30 minutes.

Face Pack for White Skin Patches

The Face Pack is useful for those who have white colored patches. Please note that patches can also be caused due to dietary deficiencies and need to be corrected through proper nutrition.

Ingredients Procedure
Bawachi 1/2 tsp (seeds)
Nagarmotha (roots) 1/2 tsp
Tulsi 1/2 tsp, rakta chandan pwd 1/2 tsp.
Mix with water and apply on the face.

Fine powder of the mentioned herb should be taken and mixed well in water or milk to form a paste. This paste can also be made with the help of rose water or the juice of a lemon. It can be washed after 20 minutes. The pack should be applied regularly for a minimum period of 2 weeks.

Under Eye Cream

The cream can be prepared at home and stored for later use. It helps to clear dark circles under the eyes and strengths the delicate skin (Please note that root causes like lack of sleep and improper diet should also be avoided).

Ingredients Procedure
Almond or til (sesame seed) or coconut oil +
shatavari powder
The herb in any of the oil (mentioned in ingredients) is applied
around the eyes.

Fine powder of the mentioned herb should be taken and mixed well in almond/til/coconut oil to form a paste/cream. Then a paste should be applied lightly under the eyes with the help of the index finger. It can be washed after 20 minutes.