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A child with proper mental & physical health is a blessing to his home as well as society. KAUMARABRITYA PEDIATRICS – is the branch of medicine which deals maintenance of health and treatment of different types of ailments from birth to adolescents in Ayurveda.

From Birth to 5 yrs.
Child Healthcare Through Ayurveda A new born baby doesn’t have immunity to live in this earth. Upto 1–2 yrs. breastmilk will give him or her sufficient immune power. Feeding this food should be avoided. Instead of that mother should adopt methods to increase breastmilk. Lot of medicines are there in Ayurveda to increase breastmilk. Taking more milk, sprouted dry pulses, Jeevanthiadi kashayam, Galactoplus powder etc are some of them to get more breastmilk.

Child Healthcare Through Ayurveda
4–5 months onwards plantain fruits, apple, mango etc in juice form can be given to the child with breastmilk. 5–7 months, morning 1 time fruit juice should continue and afternoon ragi, rava, wheat etc can be given as soup, boiled with little goat milk or cow milk and sufficient jaggery.

When the teeth starts to grow, rice gruel, idly, dosa etc with little sour, salt & chilies as buttermilk, veg pieces from curries etc should be given. Along with this medicines to improve health &memory power are to be given. Because upto 5yrs is the period where the more brain development is taking place.

Bacopa moneiri, contella asiaties, pierorhiea, elitoria etc, there are lot of herbal medicines in Ayurveda for this purpose. In ancient days, collecting these medicines, taking their juices, dried powder etc were giving with honey ghee to babies. But now a days these medicinal extracts are available as delicious form of SMRITHY GRANULE, BRAMHI RICH, PAEDO Syp. etc in the market. The results as improvement in memory & intelligence, we can see within 3 months after taking these medicines.

For those who are suffering from recurrent fever, cough & cold etc along with SMRITHY, ALLERGEN GRANULES, IMMUNOPLUS POWDER also can be given. It is also good for children who are suffering from lack of apetite, tuberculosis, pneumonia etc.

Dengue fever, chikun gunya, jaundice or such diseases can be prevented by these medicines. The effect can be increased by taking more vegetable, fruits and chyavan prasam daily.

5 – 12 yrs. age
This is the period when brain development takes place in an active manner and memory is kept in the brain. For this, it is necessary to increase the memory absorption power of brain.

In addition to the increased dose of above medicines MUSTHARISHTAM, ARAVINDHASAVAM, SARASWATHARISHTAM, BRAHMI GHRITHAM etc. are good for brain development. Those who don’t like Arishtam in large quantity SARASWATHARISHTAM–GOW can be taken 5–10 drops with 1g milk. It will make wonderful action in memory, intelligence, general health, as well as in colour & beauty of the child.

If it takes early morning after bath with ‘GAYATRI MANTRA’ or ‘SARASWATI MANTRA’ it will bring him mentally, physically & character wise to a high standard.

Gayatri Mantra
ॐ भुर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं !
भर्गो देवस्य धीमही, धीयो योन: प्रचोदयात !!

Saraswati Mantra
सरस्वती नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरुपीणी !
विधारंभं करिष्यामि सिध्दिर्भवतु मे सदा !!

Both mantras means, O God let me give glorious intelligence which leads me to all good things. After 12yrs also, throughout the education period can give medicines in increased dose, which will make them excellent in their own field.
Healthy Food Habits for Children
The food items works in 3 manners in growing children
  1. Gives energy for studies, plays and other activities.
  2. Gives nutrition for lymph, blood, flesh, adipose tissue, bone etc by that growth of whole body.
  3. Gives fuel for mental development.
Fresh vegetables and fruits washed in salt water to remove insecticides should add more in diet, to get more positive energy. Leafy vegetables, sprouted pulses tomato, carrot, beetroot, pumpkin, papaya etc should take more.

Adding more turmeric & every leaf will help to rest of poison in food items. Both are also best antibiotics and anticancerous in pure herbal form.

Role of Food in Character Development
Food we eat has a main role in our character development. Usually in all, we can see 3 types of main characters.
Satwika Bhava [Docile Character]
Do all good things. See goodness and all in positive manner in other activities. Faith in God, become happy in others fortune and happiness and because sad in others sorrows. Their each and every work and words will give help and happiness to others. By that even enemies also become friends to them.

All our saints, good teachers & leaders keep this Satwika Bhavas. Non killing mantra (AHIMSA), they will keep in all their movements. Milk, fresh fruits, raw vegetables or when cooked adding little chilies sour & salt, reading good books, making satsangas or friendship with Satwika acharyas, practicing good habits etc. will help to develop Satwika Bhavas.

Ratasa Bhava [King Character]
Get angry quickly, quick actions without thinking about the aftereffects, uncontrolled emotions etc. which we can see commonly in new generation are the RATASA habits. They will be always in sadistic mind to others. They see happiness in others pain and sorrows and get jealous in others success and fortunes.

Continuous intake of fish, meat, egg, excess chilies, sour & salt, pickles, fast food items, drinks, smoking etc make RAPASA habits. So all parents and teachers should take care to control this in their children.

Thamasika Bhava
Thamas means darkness. Filling darkness in mind. Due to lack of knowledge and false ego, they become hatred by others. Sleeping ness, laziness & fear etc are their typical characters. They don’t have confidence in doing anything. Lack of memory, avoiding responsible duties, spending alone in dark dirty rooms, intake of old non veg items, non caring childhood etc to make THAMASIKA BHAVAS.

Cruel attitude towards animals, kids, even towards their own parents & friends, non punctuality, no interest in studies etc are the common characters of THAMSIKAS.

So all parents before collecting and storing fast food items & non veg in your freezers, to make fatty your children think for a moment in which character your child should grow.

Role of Exercise in Good Health
Any type of exercise will help to increase general health. In which pranayamas, yogasanas, meditation etc not only increases general health & immunity, at the same time make Satwika Bhava in all. But karate, judo gymnastics etc anaerobic exercises are making Rohasa Bhavas. Lack of exercises, day time sleep, excess intake of food and full time sitting in front of TV or lying etc make Thamasika Bhava.

So in schools, from the lower primary classes onwards, should start yoga class strictly they should follow it in their daily life, which will help to reduce and cruel and negative attitudes in students towards others, help to make them love & respect each other & to be a helping hand to everyone. By these we can built a new generation of good mental & physical health, which in future lead to make our country a place of full of peace & prosperity with anti horror & anti terror in all ways.

असतो मा सत् गमय्
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय्
मॄत्योर्मा अमॄत्ं गमया
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:

“Evilness to goodness, darkness to light, death to non death, fully with Peace! Peace! Peace – everywhere. That should be the slogan of our new generation’s life mantras.”