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Vaidya M.P. Nanal (Ayurved Foundation)
Herb This Week - Neem (Azardirachta indica)
Water has always been a problem in the plateau regions of India. Despite such odds, the hardy neem tree still thrives there. Constituting an important part of Ayurveda, neem is an evergreen tree having crescent shaped toothy leaves and a large growth of white flowers which tend to become yellow later. Medicinal oil can also be extracted from these flowers. The trunk, shells, leaves and the fruits also have medicinal effects.

Neem Neem
The juices extracted from neem are bitter but with a sweet healing effect. These juices though bitter have a light, cool and soothing effect that can overcome blood related problems and also act as blood purifiers. A bandage of neem paste helps in healing stubborn wounds and messy skin disorders.

Neem is also a great cure for acidity and constipation. Acidity sometimes leads to high fever (102 to 103°) which causes dysentery, throat sores, aches and dryness, when nothing but a syrup of neem mixed with raisins shows incredible effects.

Often sweets, salads, milk, bread, alcohol and fish cause acidity and eye problems too. But do you know, neem can be used against such problems too? Neem oil is used for external medical purposes.

When an illness is long–lasting and the patient is on the verge of rehabilitation, he feels tired and drained. Here, if a sponge bath with neem extract is taken, it helps cure the patient soon.

Like many other medicinal plants the roots of neem also have a great deal of medicinal gains and help to overcome heat problems too. Thus neem is an integral part of treatment in Ayurveda.