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Background of the project
We have been involved in treatment of Ischemic heart disease for the last eight years. Patients who are advised CABG but do not wish to undergo the operation due to various reasons turn to alternative systems of medicine.

In order to conduct a systematic trial a confirmed Ischemic Heart Disease diagnosis done by a positive stress test, changes in the electrocardiogram, total lipid profile and wherever possible a coronary angiography by a cardiologist are the criteria for selection of a patient along with his willingness to take ayurvedic treatment. A detailed clinical examination to classify the doshik predominance is given. Depending upon the finding, one of the three protocols designed for each dosha is administered. He is periodically evaluated by both the physicians. The observations are noted and a repeat ECG taken. At the end of six months patient is advised to take another stress test.

Possible mode of action of the treatment.