Hits: 18376
Vaidya Vilas Madhusudan Nanal,
Vaidya M. P. Nanal Foundation

Name: Vaidya Vilas Madhusudan Nanal
Place & Date of Birth: Pune, September 7, 1950.
606, Sadashiv Peth, Vaidya Nanal Niwas,
Kunte Chowk, Laxmi Road, Pune.
Marital Status: Married
Educational Qualifications
A.V.P.(Ayurvaidya parangat): Year 1980 – (Post Graduation) Tilak Maharastra Vidyapeeth.
B.S.A.M.: Year 1977 June, Bombay University.
(Bachelor of Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine) R.A. Poddar Medical College
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy): Year 1970 June, Bombay University. Course included study of Modern School of Occupational Therapy Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, Seth G.S. Medical College, Psychiatry, Kinesiology and Occupational Therapy
Other Qualification: Certificate Course in Gemology: 1982, University of Pune Certificate.
Course in Photography: 1970, June, Sir J.J. School of Arts, Bombay.
Family Background: Belong to a family practicing ayurvedic system of medicine for more than three generations. We have an unbroken tradition of manufacturing our drugs, use of Panchkarma units as well as coaching students of various categories in the art and craft of ayurvedic medicines. We have traditionally specialized in using single drugs and drugs derived from the animal kingdom as well as mercurial compounds.

Position Held & Appointment
1970, K.E.M. Hospital Bombay
Oct.70 to Aug. 72, (Worked mainly in Burns Department) Lokmanya Tilak Medical General Hospital, Orthopedic units. Sion, Mumbai.
April 77 to Sept. 78 Seth Tarachand Ramnath Ayurvedic Hospital, Pune.
October 78 to Aug. 81 Seth Tarachand Ramnath Hospital Pune.
Sept. 81 to date, Seth Tarachand, Ramnath Hospital, Pune.

Position Held & Appointment
Hon. Physician
Sept. 86 to date, Seth Tarachand Ramnath Hospital, Pune.
Hon. Physician
February 83 to date, Bhide Memorial Dispensary, Pune.
Hon. Physician
Jan. 86 to Date, Sadhu Vaswani Mission’s Shanti Clinic.
Hon. Reader
June 91 to date. Dept. of Kayachikista & Nidana, Mahavidyalaya, Pune.
Hon. Physician
Sept. 92 to date, Tilak Maharastra Vidyapeeth Ayurvedic Dispensary, Pune.
Hon. Physician
April 92 to date. Sassoon General Hospital, Pune.

Practical Examinations Charaka Samhita, Pune University

Extra Curricular Activities
Actively associated with the Academy of Development Sciences situated at Post Kashele, Tal, Karjat, Dist. Raigad, Maharastra. It is a voluntary organisation engaged in: Also associated with L.S.P.S.S (Lok Swasthy Parampara Samvardhan Samiti) of Coimbtore, yet another organisation striving for the survival of scientific health traditions.

Field Work
Led teams of students on botanical excursions to… To mention a few, with a view to identifying, collecting and photographing various medical herbs in various seasons.

Conference & Lectures

Seminars, Conferences & Workshop
Presented a paper on Paranbeej a herb traditionally used but not described by texts, at an international conference of traditional Asian Medicine (ICTAM) 1982– Bombay.

National Workshop on ‘Indegeneous systems of Nutrition’ at Kalady. Dec. 12–20–87, Presented paper on ‘Agni–Vichara’ organised by L.S.P.S.S.

Expert Committee Member for formulation of Indian System of Medicine (ISM) approach to Polio Rehabilitation arranged by Immunisation Mission & L.S.P.S.S at Jamnagar, Feb. 1989. Special Academic Interests Special Academic Interest Membership Seminars, Conferences & Workshop
Academic Interests: Assisted as Domain Expert in Development of Advanced Computing (C–DAC)
Hobbies: Photography, Trekking & Hiking, Reading Literature on Ancient Science
Awards: Koltkar Award for teaching & research given by Khandivale Vaidyak Samshodhan Sanstha.