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Ayurveda the science of life, preserved through the vedas, mystics and gurus. It is based both on the flora and fauna of the environment and has withstood the travails of time of more than 5000 years of history. Ayurveda is the most commonly used health care system in the country.

The Vaidya M. P. Nanal Ayurvedic Foundation has kept alive the rich traditions of Indian medical science, through books, courses, publications and practice for the past five generations.

Objectives Traditions
Ayurvedic traditions are being successfully carried out for the past four generations through the Nanal Ayurvedic Foundation.

Articles/Klomas Herb this Week
Neem (Azardirachta indica) is a boon to mankind, with tremendous medicinal properties. This even in regions of water scarcity. read more…

Healthy living with Ayurveda Herbal Products
A wide range of herbal products are available at very reasonable prices at our e–Catalogue section.

Vaidya Corner
The latest breakthrough in ayurveda is that it might harbor a cure to the world’s most dreaded disease – AIDS, which is virtually impossible to treat. Ayurveda can cure the disease at its root level.