Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Optimistic, peace–loving people, cheerful in spite of underlying worries, are those who need Agrimony as a remedy. These people are difficult to spot for the simple reason that they do not show the extreme mental tension, but seem carefree and happy. Friendly, fun–loving people who like company because it distracts them from their troubles, but who do not discuss their problems. These are peace–loving persons who dislike quarrels and arguments with or even between others and will go to great lengths to avoid such unpleasantness. Very restless sleepers because they find it hard to keep still. The physical conditions most likely to go with this mind state are skin irritations and joint pains from suppressions.
Aspen (Populus tremula)

Dread, apprehension, fear that has no reason. Fear that comes on anytime panic attacks in the daytime, night terrors. Such people often invite ridicule and impatience, since they can point to no cause for their fear, but nonetheless suffer terribly. These people are likely to develop palpitations or trembling of the body.
Beech (Fagus sylvatic)

Rigid, intolerant disciplinarians, authoritative and uncompromising. Make no allowances for people who are unable to measure up to their often harsh standards, and are hawk–eyed in finding fault. Critical, seldom have a good word to offer. Lack empathy and sympathy. Their attitude often isolates them, as others try to avoid them because of their unpleasant demeanor.
Centaury (Centaurium umbellatum)

Doormats. Those who need Centaury as a remedy, are gentle, quiet, docile people, without much personality or opinions of their own. Passive, physically tired, driven to serve others, maybe to prove some semblance of worth, and end up being taken for granted and ‘Walked over’. Will often become the martyrs in a family, taking on the care of invalids or old people who as likely as not will dominate them will often stay unmarried. The Centaury people often have anemia or circulatory troubles.
Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera)

Lack of control, or fear of losing control call for Cherry Plum. Those who are haunted by the fear that they will kill themselves or harm their loved ones. Despairing, depressed, suicidal, fear that one is going insane, esp. after long mental or physical stress. Cherry Plum covers hysteria and violent tendencies: children who throw tantrums, mothers who get enraged and beat up their children with a terrifying loss of control. This remedy is especially applicable in cases of hysteria and fits, going with a general lack of control.
Chestnut bud (Aesculis hippocastanum)

For those who make the same mistakes in life over and over again. Unable to learn from experience, unobservant and inattentive. Insensitive and slow to learn. Can be used for children who are seemingly bright, but do not get on satisfactorily at school.
Chicory (Chicorium intybus)

Possessive people who demand their way through emotional blackmail or tears and fuss, who will go out of their way to do things for those they wish to possess or control, and faced with any opposition, will immediately cry: “After all I have done for you…! ” want attention, want their own way in a sort of reciprocal fashion – “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” Who will love you and be nice to you and do all manner of things for you, but not selflessly or from true affection or unconditional love the, Chicory person’s love is very conditional indeed. Angry when denied their way, or cannot control those around. Self–pity and selfishness. Expects compliance, apt to feel great self–pity if denied sympathy or opposed. These people are those who would pretend illness if it would keep family/friends dancing attendance.
Clematis (Clematis vitalba)

Quiet, indifferent, dreamy people, who have little interest in life. Weave dreams of the future, but, in doing so, fail to live in the present fully. Those who crave death to be with a loved one who has died. Apathy – no interest in life, no ambition, impractical. Drowsy and dreamy, sleep easily, covers fainting and coma. A lack of attention to the present to the extent that they might get knocked down in the street or have accidents due to carelessness. Withdraw into fantasy to avoid the less pleasant facets of life. The impractical idealist.
Cerato (Ceratostigma willmotiana)

People who are confused and easily swayed by the latest opinion they receive every time. Vacillatory and perpetually seeking advice, which they will follow, but not have the patience to see the real effect of, because they will soon be seeking fresh advice and trying out something else. Talkative since they are always relating their problems and seeking advice. These are the people who, in illness, run from doctor to doctor, from allopathy to homeopathy, to this latest therapy or that new clinic. Never satisfied, because they never really give anything a chance to show effect.
Crab Apple (Malas pumila)

The great cleanser. Ideally suited to people who want to get rid of something in/about themselves – a skin problem or bad habits which bother them to a great extent. Fussy, fastidious people. The Crab Apple person will worry more about an unsightly rash than a far more serious internal problem. Whatever offends one about oneself makes one feel dirty, will respond to this remedy. Self–dislike–disgust for oneself or some part of the self.

Capable and efficient people, in responsible positions, who suddenly feel inadequate and worn–out, though they carry on with their duties. This is a remedy for people who have found their place in life and are normally competent and even brilliant, but having an aberrant period when they feel they cannot cope.
Gentian (Gentiana amarella)

Depression without cause or without any known cause. Gloomy, negative in outlook, pessimistic, melancholic. People who expect the worst, easily discouraged by obstacles and set–backs. Full of doubts.

Hopelessness. People who are despondent and certain that nothing can alleviate their condition, who have “Resigned themselves to their fate”. Feel there is no point in trying anything, as they are doomed to suffer. This is a particularly valuable remedy in chronic cases or where an illness has gone on for a long time and the patient feels fed–up or cynical that anything will help, or despairing that there will be any cure. Gorse removes the negative approach and induces hope.
Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

People who are full of themselves. They relate to all and sundry at great length and in agonizing detail, their worries , opinions, anxieties and problems, including the most trifling things. They will come up close and talk so rapidly that one cannot really get away – trap people with their loquacity. Their incessant and self–absorbed monologues tend to sap the energy of the listener. They don’t like being alone. No interest in others. Heather people contrive to turn any topic back to what they find most interesting in conversation themselves.
Holly (Ilex aquifolium)

People who need Holly are jealous, suspicious and full of a deep seated resentment that manifests as hatred. These negative emotions and this mental state cause a lot of unhappiness and corrosion in the lives of themselves, and those around them. A feeling of being separate, an outsider leading to feelings of anger and resentment, call for Holly too – e.g. in sibling rivalry.
Holly is also given in cases involving intense, quick, angry individuals when the case requires clarifying – when the remedy or remedies given are not working, or not clearly defined.
Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)

The remedy for people who are living in the past, looking back with poignant nostalgia to an extent that their present is shadowy in comparison. No effort to work out present difficulties or problems – the mind slips away to the greener grass of the past. Adapted to those who are homesick too.
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

A mental weariness in the sense that one thinks of work awaiting and feels doubtful one can cope, or disheartened at what remains to be done. The Monday morning blues, when a whole working week lies ahead. However this is more a state of mind, for when one gets down to it, the job is accomplished very competently.
Hornbeam is of particular use in convalescence, to give patients the push to overcome lethargy and listlessness and begin to work for recovery.
Impateins (Impatiens glandufilera)

A remedy for people who are quick on the uptake, quick in action. These people are always rushing about, fast in all they do, even eating at breakneck speed, wanting everything done immediately. They are quite likely to finish someone’s sentences if they feel the person is not getting to the point fast enough, will snatch work out of one’s hands because they cannot bear to watch and anyway the person is too slow! They usually prefer to work alone. Few people, if any, can keep up with them. They are most often in a state of irritable impatience. This stressed state often causes pains and tension headaches. They often develop colic or a skin rash. They are also likely to have accidents from their haste in getting about.
Larch (Larix decidua)

Larch is for people with low self–esteem which keeps them from even trying something – for fear of failure. They are people who will admire and praise others without the slightest envy, but with a sort of wistful ‘If only I could’, unaware that if they would only try, they could, indeed. A despondency from their failure – for not trying is as good as failing seeing the lack in themselves, feeling unworthy and small, but unable to overcome their belief that they could not and must fail.
Mimulus (Mimulus guttatus)

Fear that has some cause, reasonable or otherwise, unlike the fear without reason as found under Aspen. Fear of heights, fear of death or illness or of losing one’s job or losing one’s wealth, whatever. These are shy, quiet people who do not voice their fears, but sometimes chatter away to cover their nervousness. Stage fright and stammering may be physical manifestations of this nature.
Mustard (Sinapis arvenis)

The remedy that answers that black cloud of depression that seems to blight life. This is a despair and gloom without due cause. Nothing seems worthwhile, and life itself a burden. Nothing seems to matter, there is no joy or ambition or interest as long as this state persists.
Oak (Quercus)

People who are like the oak tree, strong, dependable and seemingly indestructible, brought to a state of tiredness and weary exhaustion. They have to bear not only their own problems, but also the burdens of others, who lean on them because of their strength and reliability. These people carry on in spite of their tiredness, with a determination to try and overcome their troubles and their weariness.

The restorative. Olive is the remedy for total exhaustion. Those who are physically and mentally worn out, either by illness or overwork, grief or adversity. People who are “Drained out”. Individuals at such a low point that they cannot summon the strength to make any effort whatsoever, either to come out of their state or to face any more hardship.
Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

The self–flagellator. People who are ever–ready to blame themselves. They imagine that everything that goes wrong is their fault. If someone else makes a mistake, these people will reproach themselves for not having somehow prevented it. Set themselves high standards and will try hard, but are never happy with their achievements. Humble and apologetic.
Pine is for guilt that tends to get a bit warped – people who might be in dire need, but will hesitate to accept payment because “Others are worse off”, who feel guilty for having a room to live in because “So many are homeless”. They are hard on themselves, and despondent and guilt–ridden and unhappy because they can never feel the joy of achievement. In their own eyes, they always fall short.
Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium)

The keynote for the use of this remedy is terror. No matter the cause, if panic and terror are present, Rock Rose is the remedy. May be used for nightmares and before/after an ordeal.
Rock Water

This is the only Bach remedy that is not made from English wildflowers, but, like its name suggests, Rock water. People who need this remedy are harsh disciplinarians, but only to themselves. Will go to any lengths to keep to their self–imposed rules. Rigid, inflexible, think their self–discipline and strict ways put them above lesser mortals. In fact they take pride in offering their iron control as an example to others. Fixed ideas and opinions. Martyrs to the cause of showing themselves as examples of clean living and high thinking, losing much of the joy that comes from spontaneity and adaptability. These people, however, confine their self–denial and self–discipline to themselves, and are not much concerned with asking or expecting others to live up to their high standards.
Red Chestnut

While concern for others, especially for one’s loved ones is a natural thing, the people who require Red Chestnut as a remedy overdo this concern and anxiety for others. From worrying if someone is a few minutes late to lengthening a small possibility into a full scale tragedy in their imagination, these people are worriers, anxious and fearful, but for others. They will be anxious even for those they do not know – the Bleeding Heart. There are, of course, variations of degree, but when worrying about others figures largely, Red Chestnut is the remedy.
Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum)

The remedy for shock. Star of Bethlehem is for physical and mental trauma from any cause – an accident, a fright, bad news. Dr. Bach called this remedy “The comforter and soother of pains and sorrows”. Effects of shock, whether from an accident, witnessing an accident, a death in the family or of a friend, whatever, may manifest immediately or be avoided and repressed. Star of Bethlehem counters shock and the effects of shock even if it lies in the past.
Scleranthus (Sceranthus annuus)

Ambivalence. The mind that is torn in two, vacillating between two choices, and greatly troubled by this. Their emotions swing between extremes, joy and depression, hope and despair, laughing now, now weeping. Physical symptoms follow this pattern as well energetic and totally exhausted, etc. Their opinions change constantly. their inability to make up their minds, inevitably leads to time–wasting. They are often clumsy and uncoordinated from a tendency to instability. Giddiness. Unreliable because of their pendulum like swings. in mood and behavior.
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)

That ‘End of the road’ despair, where there seems no hope or help in sight. Courageous, strong individuals who face their stark suffering alone, holding on in spite of the distress that seems to corrode the soul. A feeling of utter aloneness and emptiness, so much that the very anguish isolates one. For all their strength and courage, people who have reached breaking point.
Vervain (Verbena officinalis)

Intense and over–enthusiastic people who use more force than necessary in performing any task because their sights are on what has to be done in the future. These are people who are fanatical, highly strung and like a wound spring, tiring themselves and others by their over–energetic and compulsive nature. Fixed ideas want to convert everyone to their beliefs. People who love a cause to fixate their energies on. Strain and tension from pushing too hard in all spheres – physically end up with stiffness and pains and insomnia. Likely to have a breakdown from driving themselves too hard.
Vine (Vitis vinifera)

People who like to lay down the law. A lust for power and control, a driving desire to bend everyone to their will. Certain that their opinions and beliefs are right. Ruthless and domineering, authoritative and tyrannical in their dealings with others. Inflexible in that they really believe they are the final authorities on anything they choose to propound on. These are efficient and capable people, particularly good in emergencies, when their penchant for taking control is best utilized. Physically may develop migraines and High Blood Pressure.
White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

For people who carry mental monologues to unhealthy limits. Almost everyone has some experience of having persistent thoughts when something is preying on the mind. The people who need White Chestnut cannot control or turn off the obsessive ideas, mental dialogue and circling thoughts. These thoughts or arguments go round and round, like a stuck record, often distracting them from the present so only part of the attention is focused on the now. This causes not only a lack of concentration that might lead to accidents, but also a turmoil of mind, and sleeplessness from not being able to switch off.
Walnut (Juglans regia)

Walnut is to help break old ties that are holding one back. It is called the “Link breaker”. Often there are great changes in life or lifestyle that require one to adjust to new circumstances and develop fresh patterns. People who have the requisite qualities for going on onto but a new path find themselves unable to break with the old habits or routines, or divorce themselves from the past, and frustrated from their inability to move on, need Walnut.
Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)

This remedy is for those who are quiet and self–contained. People who are happy on their own, not mingling or sharing too much with others, serene and capable, usually talented and clever. Dignified, quiet people who can bear their troubles stoically. However this self–reliance gives them a feeling of superiority, so they tend to be proud and aloof.
Wild Oat (Bromus ramosus)

People who are talented and ambitious, and maybe too multi–faceted to know what they really want to do. Feel depressed because they cannot utilize their potential for being unable to know what to focus on and which line to choose. Like Holly, this remedy is also used when a case requires clarification, the difference being that Holly is used as a clarifying remedy for intense, active people, while Wild Oat is used for despondent, undecided people.
Wild Rose

Apathy. People who have become resigned to their fate. Presume that nothing can make things any better. This may be with regard to a dead–end job, an illness, unpleasant situations, whatever. Dull people who do not bemoan their fate, but accept it listlessly, making no effort to change circumstances or overcome them. Limited by their subjugation to their ‘Destiny’.

People who are embittered and resentful and imagine they always get a raw deal. Feel they never get their dues, while others have it easy. Feel life is unfair to them, that they do not get the positive results they deserve, and have to bear more than their share of problems. These are the people who always blame others or ‘Bad luck’ for the things that go wrong for them. People who are never satisfied and always complaining, and will not acknowledge the good things that come to them, which anyway they accept without gratitude, and as their due. Not pleasant people to have around, since they are depressing and bitter and negative about everything. Feel the world owes them.