Hits: 18829
“The Plant’s Anti-oxidant”

Latin Name - Emblica officinalis
Family Name – Euphorbiaceae
English – Indian Gooseberry


Amla is also well known as Indian Gooseberry. The concentration of natural vitamin C is very high in Amla. Its cytoprotective action has been investigated. The Fruit juice has almost 20 times as much Vit -C.100 gm Fresh Amalaki Fruit provide 470-680mg of Vit – C . it also contains Fibers , calcium , Iron, phosphorus, carbohydrate, riboflavin, thiamine & vit – C.

Amla has been used as powerful antioxidant & immune promoter. According to Expects of ayurvedic regular use of amla live more then 100 yeas like a youth.

Amla keeps us away from all the disease by boosting our bodily system.

Amlaki is also useful for respiratory complaints. Its residue have antioxidant properties as they contain best stomachic and carminative.

Benefits of Amla in the Body Health Benefits of Amla Systemic functions
Dr.Meenakshi Sharma ,M.D.Scholar,P.G.Deptt.of Physiology.N.I.A.Jaipur
Prof. M.S.Meena, H.O.D., P.G.Deptt.of Physiology .N.I.A.Jaipur
Dr.C.R.Yadav ,lecturer P.G.Deptt.of Physiology.N.I.A.Jaipur