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A Key To Healthy Mind And Healthy Body
The Modern age of today, with its rapid pace of technological advancements, modernization and break–neck competition. Man has unraveled mysteries of the universe, but mysteries of the mind have remained unexplored. The body and mind has become weaker. Society is suffering from health problems, tension, sorrow and misery. joy of living is lost

Gone are the days when the heart was a temple of peace. Today it can be said that "Dil to Diwana hai, Dil To pagal hai" Each newspaper headline is screaming of robbery, murder, suicide and terrorism. Healthcare centers and hospitals are crowded beyond capacity.

In this age of competition the entire humanity, with all its strength, is after materialistic pleasures and comforts and in the process has totally lost touch with oneself "the %d and the Body. It has also missed out on the real happiness. Whenever an attempted to experience and enjoy the real happiness and peace failed, man became W%l{€i both in mind and body. He then started searching for Way 3; means to regain the lost strength and health and also a peaceful and happy lifestyle.

To have a healthier lifestyle, man started trying out Yoga., Pranayam, Different Meditations, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Religious and Devotional recitations, Bhajans, Group and various other Spiritual Practices and also started exploring within to learn the true Art Of living

One such scientific technique is Vipassana. "Passana" means to see and "Vi" means in a special way. Vipassanais to explore within, to see in a special way– observe the reality Within oneself with a balanced mind. Twenty Five centuries ago, Siddharth Gautama practicing this very technique purified his mind to achieve a state of enlightenment. He became the Buddha by practicing this very technique. Buddha is one who is in a state of Enlightenment : a stage of total purification and complete liberation

In Vipassana, respiration and the sensations on the physical body are objects of meditation. These are common to all human beings irrespective of cast, creed, religion or country, so anyone can practices this technique to get the benefits.

Using the technique one can purifying one’s mind and live a happy and peaceful life. For several centuries after the Mahaparinirvan of the Buddha, the technique was Widely practiced in India, With the passage of time, it was gradually lost. In 1969, Respected Acharya Satya Narayan Goenlraji brought the technique back to India from Burma and started teaching the technique to the people of India.

The practice of Vipassana is a scientific technique for purification of mind where one uses one’s own mind to operate on one’s mind. As the mind is purified, it becomes balanced and peaceful. The body also automatically becomes balanced and healthy.

About 80% diseases are directly related to the mind. With regular practice of Vipassana, as the mind gets purified, the person starts getting relief from diseases, psychosomatic illnesses, addictions and tensions. Vipassana is a scientific meditation technique, which can take the practitioner to levels of Physical, Mental and spiritually advancements.

The mind is supreme– the main driving force. The entire world manifesting around us is a projection of the mind. It is said that, "Though one may conquer a thousand times, a thousand men in battle, he indeed is the noblest soul who has conquer himself".

Truly our mind is a reflection of our life. To help one purify and strengthen the mind and as a result the body, one can use Vipassana. Today there are about 150 Vipassana centers in India and abroad, where Vipassana meditation 'technique is taught.

Vipassana is taught in ten day residential courses. It is. important to note that there are no charges or fees for participating in the course. Students who have benefited from such courses donate generously and that takes care of all the course expenses. During these ten days, students have to maintain complete silence Contact with the outside World is totally cut–off and the students, as per instructions of the teacher, begins study of this great expanse

The ‘first three and a half days are for practicing Anaapaan Meditation (concentration on inflow and out flow of breath On the fourth day students learn the technique of Vipassana and on the final day they learn the meditation technique of Metta Bhavanaa (Sharing the merits with all 8: expressing goodwill towards all beings). The practice of Vipassana makes the mind pure and strong, freed from fear, depression or tension .

The capacity to work increases. The effect is seen even on the physical health. The life becomes peaceful and full of happiness. Mental Impurities and internal conflicts are eradicated resulting in improved decision making capacity. Seeing many such positive changes and to boost the concept of ‘Noble People – Noble Government’ in this country, the State Government of Maharashtra sanctions special leave for its employees who wish to attend Vipassana courses.

Many local governing bodies in cities such as Pune Municipal Corporation have extended great co–operation and encouraged their employees to attend Vipassana courses. Personnel from IAS, Police Departments, Electricity Boards and Defense forces have benefited from these courses.

Some Private industrial organizations such as Mahendras (lagatpuri), Thermax etc. regularly send their employees for Wpassana courses. Even Management Educational Institutions such as Symhiosis have been sending students to learn Vipassana.

Kiran Bedi, a very senior IPS officer who is a Vipassana meditator, used Vipassana Mediation technique to achieve a marvelous feat of reforming hundreds of prisoners. Special ten day Vipassana courses held in the prisons has made this possible. The headquarters, Vipassana International Academy is located at lgatpuri, near Nasik. The two centers in Pune are situated at Swargate and at Markal near Alandi. '

Life is hill of turmoil and tensions. Let us look ourselves to End out how much impurities we have accumulated within, all the tensions, cravings, greed, ego, restlessness which have created havoc with our system, physical diseases, mental pain, insomnia, inferiority complex, depression .... the list is endless!! If you check a list of students topping the merit list, you will Find that almost 25% of them are suffering from blood pressure.

According to the of some psychologists, about 1% population is completely insane and 33% are on the verge of insanity. Are 'we also on the borderline? In this tension filled competitive age, if We have to progress from darkness towards light, from violence towards peace, falsehood to eternal truth and from death to immortality, it will be possible only with the help of a strong still and balanced mind.

Only you can help yourself Some one else can only show the way. You have to walk the path with your own determination. So do take out at least ten days of your life to acquire this jewel called Vipassana and change your life forever.

Let us love this very life and all that it has to offer!!

Datta kohinkar (Patil)
(M) 9822632630
Trustee : Pune Vipassana Sarnia;
Opp. Nehru Stadium,
Next to Anand Mangal Karyalay,
Dadawadi,Swargate,Pune 400002
Phone: +91 20 24468903