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Chinese Herbs Chinese Herbs
The use of herbs, along with acupuncture and acupressure, is a major component of the system of traditional Chinese medicine or TCM.

Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine usually practice under the title “Licensed” or “Certified”, acupuncturist, they prescribe herbal combinations according to complex rules of diagnosis, which are intended to help the body correct imbalances of energies. In TCM, ailments are believed to be caused by disturbances in the bodily flow of a type of energy called chi, or by a lack of balance in the complementary states of yin (which is characterized by darkness and quiet) and yang (which is characterized by light and activity).

Chinese herbs, like other TCM remedies (such as minerals and animal products, like hide and bone), can be prepared in numerous ways: steeped in hot water to make a tea or infusion, boiled to produce a stronger solution called a decoction, used to make powders, pills or syrups that may all be taken internally, and fashioned into plasters or poultices that are applied to the skin. Treatments should be prescribed and monitored by a trained practitioner, because some Chinese herbs can be toxic in large doses, others, such as safflower flowers should be used with caution during pregnancy. Complex mixtures should be formulated only by a trained practitioner.

In recent years, Chinese herbal medicine has been subjected to increasingly rigorous study. The evidence indicates that although some remedies do not perform as claimed, others are effective. In China today, herbal remedies are often prescribed along with modern biomedical treatments.