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Mud Therapy Mud Therapy
Mud is one of five elements of nature having immense impact on the body in health as well as in sickness. It can be employed conveniently as a therapeutic agent in Naturopathy treatment as its black color absorbs all the colors of the sun and conveys them to the body.

Secondly, as the mud retains moisture for a long time, when applied over the body part it causes cooling. Thirdly, its shape and consistency can be changed easily by adding water. Moreover, it is cheap and easily available.
Mud procured for treatment purpose should be black cotton soil with greasiness and free from pollution and contamination.
Before use mud should be dried, powdered and sieved to separate stones, grass particles and other impurities.

Mud Pack (Local Application)
Method: Keeping soaked mud in a thin, wet muslin cloth and making it into a thin flat brick depending on the size of the patient’s abdomen apply it. The size of mud packs are generally 10” x 6” x 1” for adults. When applied in cold weather, place a blanket over the mud pack and cover the body as well.
Duration: The duration of the mud pack application is 20 to 30 minutes.
Uses: When applied to abdomen it relieves all forms of indigestion. It is effective in decreasing intestinal heat and stimulates peristalsis. A thick mud pack applied to head in congestive headache relieves the pain immediately. The advantage of mud pack cold over compress is, retains the coolness for a longer time. Hence, this is recommended whenever there is necessity for a prolonged cold application.
Mud Pack for Face
Soaked mud paste is applied on the face and allowed to dry for 30 minutes. This is helpful in improving the complexion of the skin and removing pimples and open skin pores which in turn facilitate elimination. This also is helpful in eliminating dark circles around the eyes. After 30 minutes face should be washed thoroughly with cold water.
Uses: It reduced the irrigation of the eyes hence useful in cases of conjunctivitis, hemorrhage in the eyeball, itching of the eyes, allergic conditions etc. It is also useful in cases of errors of refraction like short sight and long sight and is especially useful in glaucoma where it helps to reduce eyeball tension. It also provides relaxation to the eyes.
Mud Bath
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes.
Procedure: It is given in a special cubicle where the patient can expose himself to sunlight. Mud may be applied to the patient in sitting or lying position. This helps to improve the skin condition by increasing the circulation and energizing the skin tissues. Care should be taken to avoid catching of cold the bath. After wards, the patient must be thoroughly washed with cold water jet spray. If the patient feels chill, warm water be used. The patient is then dried quickly and transferred to a warm bed.
Uses: Mud bath invigorates the circulatory system by diverting a large amount of blood to the periphery and hence useful in cleansing and strengthening the skin tissue.
Frequent application of mud bath helps in improving the complexion of the skin by getting rid of spots and patches, which appear in various skin disorders and after chicken and small pox. Mud bath is also generally recommended for all skin diseases, including psoriasis, lucoderma and leprosy, urticaria and other allergic conditions of the skin. Mud applications are a part of natural beauty treatment.