Hits: 7941
- Maintain
- Water
- Drink 1–3 glasses of warm/cold water in squatting position after rising from the bed in the morning.
- Drink at least 8–12 glasses of water everyday with a frequency of one glass every 2 hours.
- Vital Factors
- Breathe deeply and keep erect posture always.
- Cultivate the habit of passing motions twice a day.
- Bathe twice a day with cold/neutral water.*
- Pray/meditate twice a day.*
* Once in the morning before sunrise and once at night.
- Rest
- After every meal, pass urine and relax in vajrasana for 5 to 15 minutes.
- Sleep on a medium/hard bed with a thin pillow.
- Forget your worries and be relaxed when you go to bed.
- Cultivate the habit of sleeping on your abdomen or on the right side.
- Keep a three–hour gap between your dinner and bedtime.
- Exercise
- Early morning walk briskly/jog for 30 minutes.
- Do exercises/asanas/suryanamaskars/gardening/swimming/play games etc.
- Stroll after dinner for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Food
- Chew well and eat slowly and calmly.
- Eat according to your hunger, but fill only three–fourth of your stomach.
- Ideal time for lunch is between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and for dinner it is 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Take only two meals a day (with a gap of 7 hours).
- Use any grains/seeds after soaking them in water overnight.
- Take dried fruits after soaking them in water overnight.
- Let a part of your meal consist of cereals and another of vegetables. Do not mix cooked and raw diet.
Take raw diet in one meal and cooked diet in another.
- Use only pure oil having unsaturated fats such as sunflower/gingili oil.
- Eat more of raw food–sprouts, fresh green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, salads, juices,
raw chutney, lemon–hone–water, prefer butter milk and curds to milk.
- Cooked food, Whole flour, unpolished rice and gruel. Preferably, use steam–cooked food and soups.
- Reduce/Moderate
- Salt, sweets, spices, chillies, pulses (dal), ghee, butter, ice–cream, cooked food, potato and nuts.
- High heel footwear, overweight, heavy exercise, TV and movies.
- Avoid
- Smoking, tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, soft drinks, tobacco chewing, pan, zarda and other bad habits.
- White–flour (maida), white sugar, polished rice.
- Non–vegetarian food.
- Tinned/dried/adulterated/colored/flavored/synthetic/artificial food.
- Refined/deodorized/bleached/hydrogenated (vanaspati) oils.
- Any unnatural food and drinks.
- Food when in fear, worry and anxiety and when not hungry.
- Very hot and very cold food.
- Air/water/noise pollution.
- Harmful cosmetics and clothes, and medicated soaps and creams.
- Drinking water during meals and within half an hour before and upto one hour after.
- Late dinner.
- Heavy meals.
- Late sleeping.
- Sleeping on the left side and on the back.
- Breakfast.
- Practice
- Gargling with warm saline water once a day.
- Wash your eyes with Triphala water daily in the morning and in the evening for sparkling eyes.
- Do ‘Vamana dhauti’ (kunjal/vomiting) once a week.
- Take an enema if constipated.
- Massage and sun–bathe once a week.
- Do gentle massage over palate (roof of mouth) daily.
- Splash water twice daily on forehead and eyes, keeping a mouthful of water.
- Spend some time in laughing and singing daily.
- Precautions
- Wash vegetable and fruits properly before cutting/as they contain pesticides and contaminants.
- As far as possible, eat wholesome fruits and vegetables with the peel.
- Maintain an adequate distance while watching TV.
- Adopt
- The early to bed and early to rise habit.
- Fasting one day every week with juices and adequate water.
- Eat to live, not live to eat.
- Nature cure in case of illness as well as for good health.
- Points to Rememeber
- Food occupies sixth place in the following requisites for living.
- Adequate space.
- Pure air.
- Pure water.
- Sunshine.
- Exercise/physical work.
- Food.
- Drugs are more dangerous than diseases.
- Those who are regular in food, exercise and sleep/rest never fall sick.
- Water is the medicine and diet is the drug.
- Fasting is an important factor in cure.
- Hurry, worry and curry makes a man ill.
- Points at a Glance
- All healing powers are within your body.
- Nature cure is the safest and the most permanent cure.
- Do not eat if ill, tired, in pain, in a tense state or in a hurry.
- Food eaten during illness feeds the disease, not the patient.
- Drink water half an hour before and one hour after your meals. Do not drink water during meals.
- Good health depends on a well–balanced diet and a happy attitude towards life.
- Drugs, tobacco and alcohol are the other poisons that have to be condemned.
- Drink at least 8–12 glasses of water everyday.
- Keep three hours gap between dinner and bed time.
- Money can buy medicines, but not health.
- Nature is rich, let her enrich you.
- A disciplined life makes you live long and happy.
- Tea and coffee may stimulate you for a short time, but ultimately they depress you.
- Yoga has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the body, mind and soul.
- Naturopathy and Yoga are like two wheels of a cart.
- Your guide during your period of treatment is your doctor. Please have faith in him and his advice for a
change in diet and/or treatment.
- Take a stroll after dinner for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Eat according to your day to day appetite but fill only three–fourths of your stomach.
- Avoid smoking, tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs, soft drinks and other bad habits.