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Obesity is a complex disorder of the modern world. It is defined as increase in weight of the body over 10% above the desirable level caused due to generalized deposition of fat.

Social factors have a marked bearing on the prevalence of obesity and certain situations create great effect on the eating habits of obese persons. Negative lifestyle habits, which contribute to obesity include: Obesity has one basic cause: Intake of more food than required coupled with lack of exercise.

Although most cases of obesity are due to simple overeating habit caused by emotional, familial, metabolic and genetic factors, a few cases due to endocrine disorders have also been reported.

Depending on the weight, obesity is classified as,
Mild to Moderate: 10–20% above desirable weight.
Moderate to severe: 20–30% above desirable weight.
Severe obesity: 30% above the desirable weight.

Treatment for Obesity
Diabetes Mellitus
High standard of living has enabled almost everyone to select and eat from a vast array of food items. In the industrially developed countries, the sheer abundance of food has proved a mixed blessing. Refrigeration and sophisticated food preserving and processing techniques have made it possible for storing for long the fatty foods, which otherwise would have turned rancid, if kept unused, within a short duration. In addition, the lack of physical exercise due to sedentary habits coupled with stressful living has led to greater health hazards such as obesity, diabetes, coronary hearty ailments, kidney diseases, neck and back pains etc.

Natural surveys done in the field for the last 25 years show that the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus is 3–4%, both in developed countries of the West as well as in the developing countries. Urbanites appear to be more prone to diabetes than the rural people.

Diabetes is a condition where the blood sugar levels increase. It is broadly classified as insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes, (where insulin should be given to control blood sugar) and non–insulin dependent diabetes which can be controlled by diet and exercises alone.

There are several factors which pre–dispose a person to diabetes such as strong family history of diabetes mellitus, obesity, physical inactivity, stress and trauma and overeating. General symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst, hunger and urination. Weight loss and weakness may also be seen.

Treatment for Diabetes Many of the non–insulin dependent diabetes do not require drugs to control blood sugar levels. Regulated diet and regular physical exercise is all that a diabetic required to do to control blood sugar levels.

Though the diet of a diabetic is in no way different from the diet of normal individual.

The following aspects should be kept in mind