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What is Reiki?
Reiki is defined as, a generic Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy or spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is an energy which is transmitted by the hands of a person who has been attuned to Reiki. If you have not been attuned to Reiki then you may channel energy, your own energy (chi or ki), but you are not channeling Reiki.
Rei–(Pronounced ‘ray’) Japanese for universal or spiritual consciousness/wisdom (God consciousness) or a higher dimension of light and the soul, knows the cause of all problems and what to do to heal them. Rei heals the spiritual level, thus brings healing to all levels of being.
Ki–(Pronounced ‘key’) Japanese for vital life force energy, which animates everything; also called prana, mana, holy ghost, chi, etc.. Ki heals on the physical and emotional levels.
What is an attunement?
An attunement is a process by which a Reiki Master passes on the ability to do Reiki to the student.
Is Reiki difficult to learn?
It is very simple to learn Reiki. You receive an attunement from a Reiki Master and then you can do Reiki. In first degree there is nothing to memorize, you will learn to follow your intuition and hand positions in giving a Reiki treatment. The more you practice the better you become.
Does Reiki really work?
Something always occurs, as a result of a Reiki treatment, however it may be so subtle that you don’t notice it. Reiki is not directed by your intentions. Reiki can never be used to intentionally harm anything or anyone. Infact Reiki is only given when asked for.
What will happen to me when I get a Reiki attunement?
Firstly you will be able to give Reiki treatment to yourself and to others. You will go through a twenty one days cleansing. This may include: flu like symptoms, emotional releases, or being confronted with issues that you haven’t dealt properly with in the past. Each energy center (chakra) in the body receives three clearings over the twenty one days. After this the chakras open up and then you will be able to channelize the Universal life force energy.
Is there some way I should protect myself when giving Reiki to someone who is ill?
There is such a possibility. Reiki practitioners draw spirals around the patient before giving Reiki. Extra care should be taken while treating a diabetic patient as the process followed is different. In case of contagious diseases, Reiki should be given without actually touching the patient.
Do animals like Reiki?
Yes, they do. Most animal like dogs, cats, fishes, birds, cattle, horses etc have benefited with Reiki.
Do I have to be a religious person to use Reiki?
No. Reiki is a healing system. Many Reiki practitioners are spiritual people, but this is not necessary. Irrespective of your religion, you can practice Reiki.
So can I use Reiki instead of going to the doctor?
This is not advisable. Most Reiki practitioners are not trained in diagnosis. Hence it is best to consult the doctor for the proper diagnosis. Reiki enhances all other modalities and is at its best when used in combination with medical treatment.
I’ve been told that distance healing is only possible at level 2 – is this true?
It is better if distance healing is attempted after mastering the second level/degree.
I have heard that distance healing shouldn’t be used in some circumstances – like when people are having an operation, or driving.
Reiki is a healing system which never harms, always helps. The Cosmic energy that is channelized through Reiki does not have to be told where to go. It will reach where it is required. It will not bring someone out of an anesthetic in the middle of an operation, or cause a car crash. But it is better if the patient is told to lie down and relax at a particular time when distance Reiki is given.
Should we have to tell the person when we do distance Reiki on him?
It is advisable to tell anyone we are sending distant treatments to and to obtain their permission. Reiki is an agreement between the sender and the receiver and must not be forced upon anyone.
These Reiki symbols, are they magic?
No, they’re not magic. They’re based on ancient wisdom which has become lost over the ages. In these modern days of technology and science, we tend to forget that the ancients had methods of dealing with all kinds of things that we have forgotten – think of the Pyramids and Stonehenge, both of which we would be hard put to emulate these days. Reiki is based on knowledge so ancient that these days the physicists are only just beginning to understand it. It’s not magic, it’s a healing of the mind–body–spirit system.
Is there any particular place or time to practice Reiki?
Any place or time when a person can feel relaxed and breath properly is suitable to do Reiki. There are no limitations to the choice of time or place when taking or giving Reiki.
Will I suffer from a decrease in my energy level after giving Reiki to someone?
When water flows through a pipe, it gets coated with water. But no part of the pipe flows along with the water. Similarly when a person gives Reiki, he is not depleted of his energy. This is because the practitioner is not parting with his own energy. He is a channel of the Cosmic energy. He takes it through his head and passes it to the patient through his hands. He is a mere medium to this transfer of energy.
Can I learn Reiki from a book?
This is not possible as you will have the knowledge but not the power to practice Reiki. You have to be attuned by a Master to be able to use this power.
What is the right age to learn Reiki? Can children learn it too?
There is no age bar for learning Reiki. Children as young as 5 or 6 years of age have been taught Reiki very successfully. There is no qualification required what–so–ever. A person should only have a sincere desire to learn Reiki.