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The incubation period of Leptospirosis is anything between two to 20 days (with a range of 10 days).
The time between a person’s exposure to a contaminated source and becoming sick is two days to four weeks. Illness usually begins abruptly with fever and other symptoms. Leptospirosis may occur in two phases, after the first phase, with fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, vomiting or diarrhea, the patient may recover for a time but become ill again. If a second phase occurs, it is more severe, the person may have kidney or liver failure or meningitis. The illness lasts from a few days to three weeks or longer. Without treatment, recovery may take several months.

Leptospirosis may follow a biphasic course
Septicemic phase (with a duration of 4 to 7 days): Linterrogans dissemination in blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and most tissues. Clinically, it’s characterized by extensive vasculitis.
Immune phase (with a duration of 10 to 30 days): The leptospira disappear from the blood and CSF, remaining intermittently in the urine and aqueous humor. Clinically, it’s characterized by multisystemic manifestations.

There are two types of infections which can occur:
Anicteric Leptospirosis (90% of cases)
A) Septic phase (3 to 7 days) B) Immune phase (0 to 30 days) may or may not occur Icteric Leptospiroses (5 to 10% of cases)
A) Septic phase (3 to 7 days) B) Immune phase (7 to 30)