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How to Prevent Transmission?
Effective vector control measures undertaken with the co–operation of community can dramatically reduce the incidence of the vector borne diseases and minimize risk of outbreaks.

Large development project have the potential of significantly increasing mosquitoes and other vector breeding sites and must take precautionary measures in the planning stage itself. For the control of Anopheles & Aedes mosquitoes which bred in clean water containers in and around the houses, the co–operation of community is very important in reducing vector density and thereby minimizing the risk of transmission of the infection.

Various methods for Prevention of Transmission
A. Use of impregnated bednets
The synthetic pyrethroids are used for the impregnation of bednets to prevent the bites of mosquitoes. The objectives of impregnation of bednets with insecticides are two folds.
  1. Individual effect: to improve the personal protection.
  2. Mass effect: to use insecticide more efficiently on bed nets rather than in houses.
B. Control of adult mosquitoes
  1. Residual Sprays: DDT, Malathion, Synthetic Pyrethroids.
  2. Space Sprays: Aerosols/0.1 – 5 microns.
C. Larval Control measures
  1. Chemical methods: Temephos, Baytex.
  2. Biological methods: Guppy fish – each sub center in high risk areas should have one hatchery. Every village in the subcenter area should be provided with one Guppy fish pond.
D. Maintain the master file at PHC highlighting
  1. Enlisting of all breeding places.
  2. Time of introduction of Guppy Fishes in all breeding places.
  3. Fortnightly follow up of the growth of Guppy fishes.