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Importance of Minerals
Minerals are important for growth & development as well to regulate vital life processes. They regulate acid-base balance in body. They are essential for transmission of nerve stimuli, muscle contraction, cell membrane permeability and maintenance of osmotic pressure & water balance.

Foods that predominantly contain acid forming minerals like sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine produce acidic reactions in the body. Specific foods are milk, cheese, pulses, meat & eggs. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium produce alkaline ash. Most of the fruits and vegetables produce alkaline reaction. Most of the minerals if taken in excess result in undesirable effects. Excess calcium predisposes renal calculi or hypercalcemia. Excess iron results in hemosiderosis & liver damage.

Some minerals in excess quantity may create imbalance and result in reducing utilization of other minerals where as some produce toxic reactions. Sources of minerals and effects of their inadequacies

Mineral Sources Effect of inadequacy
Calcium & Phosphorus Milk Group
Meat & Fish group
Green Leafy Vegetables
Legumes & Nuts
Cereals & Grains
Poor Blood clotting
Dental problems
Sodium Table Salt
Baking Powder
Protein Foods
Fish, Milk . Poultry
Muscle Cramps
Mental Confusion
Fluid Electrolyte
Potassium Milk Group
Meat Group
Fruits and Vegetables
Instant Coffee
Fluid & Electrolyte
Tissue Breakdown
Iron Organ Meat
Whole Grain
Dry Fruits
Hypochromic Microcytic