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What is the first aid treatment for electric shock?
Electric shock Electric shock
Do not touch a person who is still in contact with electric wire! This may cause your death as well as his. The person should be removed from electric contact as quickly as possible. This may be accomplished by cutting off the current that is going to the patient or by disconnecting the patient from the wire contact by use of a dry stick or rope that is thrown around him. An axe may be available to cut the wire that is causing the contact with the patient. When using an axe, be sure that your hands are dry and that the wood handle of the axe is dry.

What treatment should be carried out for electric shock after the patient has been disconnected from electric contact? What are the symptoms of shock due to injury? What is the first aid treatment for shock? Should tea or coffee be given to people who are in shock?
No. In the time it takes to obtain tea or coffee, the patient should really have had provisions made for transportation to a hospital where specific treatment can be instituted. Alcohol be given as a stimulant to patients who are in shock. This will only serve ultimately to increase the state of shock.

Should alcohol be given as a stimulant to patients who are in shock?
No. This will only serve ultimately to increase the state of shock.