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Hemorrhage Hemorrhage
What is the best first–aid treatment for hemorrhage?
This will depend on the type of hemorrhage. If there is severe internal bleeding such as may occur from an ulcer or tumor within the intestinal tract or hemorrhage secondary to the coughing up of large quantities of blood, the patient should be placed in a lying–down position and transported as quickly as possible to a hospital.

Are there any medications that should be given to a patient to stop bleeding from the intestinal tract or from the lungs?
This does not constitute first–aid treatment. Such people should receive expert medical care, and it is perhaps best not to attempt to treat them before such care can be obtained.

What is the best treatment for external hemorrhage?
Place pressure directly on the wound! This can be accomplished by placing a sterile gauze dressing or a clean handkerchief on the bleeding points and pressing firmly with the flat of one’s hand or with one’s fingers. If the bleeding is secondary to a very severe laceration in the arm or in the leg, a tourniquet may be required. This should be applied only as a last resort if the bleeding cannot be controlled by direct pressure. The tourniquet is placed just above the site of the injury. It should be remembered that tourniquets must be loosened every ten minutes to allow the circulation to return.

How near to a wound should a tourniquet be applied if it is needed?
As close as possible and just tight enough to stop the bleeding. If a tourniquet is applied too loosely, it will increase the amount of bleeding. If applied to tightly, it may unnecessarily damage tissues.

Does bleeding always start again after a tourniquet has been loosened for a few minutes?
No. It is often found that when a tourniquet has been in place for some minutes, it can be removed permanently without resumption of hemorrhage.

Should a tight pressure dressing or tourniquet be applied in the region of the neck?
No. The best ways to stop bleeding from the neck is to constrict the bleeding vessel with one’s fingers.

Do people often bleed to death from external wounds?
No. Hemorrhages from the scalp, the face, or from one of the extremities usually look much worse than they are. It is rare for someone to bleed to death from the extremity wound, and most of these lacerations will stop bleeding by themselves within a few minutes.

In what position should people who have hemorrhaged be transported?
Usually lying flat or with the feet elevated. This will tend to combat shock by causing blood to gravitate toward the head.

Should alcohol or coffee be given to people who have had a severe hemorrhage?
It is perhaps best not to give any stimulants to those who have hemorrhaged. All efforts should be concentrated on getting the patient to the hospital.