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Animal or Human Bites
First aid Treatment for Animal or Human Bites
Bites Bites
These injuries usually consist of puncture wounds, jagged lacerations, or bruises. They should be treated quickly and thoroughly in the following manner. Scrub and cleanse the wound with water and any mil soap for a period of five to ten minutes Apply the sterile bandage, or if this is not immediately obtainable, a clean handkerchief. Any animal bite that has punctured the skin should be treated immediately by a physician so that he may give tetanus antitoxin and antibiotics and recommended anti rabies injections is indicated.

Are human bites particularly dangerous?
Yes, because the germs in the human mouth frequently produce very severe infections, often much worse than those caused by animal bites.

Should antiseptic solutions, such as iodine, be used in the first–aid treatment of animal or human bites?
No. Strong antiseptics may damage the tissues further and should not be used.

Are bites always sutured (stitched) by the physician?
No. In some instances, for tear of infection, such wounds are left wide open to drain and are not sutured until several days later. Wounds of the face are usually sutured after through cleansing.

Insect Bites
Are bites dangerous from insects such as fleas , sand files, mosquitoes, wasps, hornets, bees, or chiggers?
If someone is allergic to the sting of these insects, such bites can be quite serious requiring immediate treatment with antivenin.

What is the first aid treatment for insect bites?
Insect Insect
If the sting has been left in place, it should be gently picked out. It is important not to break it in attempts at Insect removal. If a person is known to be allergic to a particular type of bite and is bitten on an extremity, it might be well to place a tourniquet above the bite on the extremity so that the absorption of the poison will take place more slowly. It is important not to allow a tourniquet to remain in place for more than twenty minutes at a time.

Release it for ten minutes and then reapply. Medical advice should be obtained if a great degree of swelling takes place. The physician will give an anti allergic medication or will take other measures to counteract the effect of the bite. Anti veteract extracts are available in many hospitals for those who are extremely allergic to insect bites. It is important not to scratch a bite, as this will cause secondary infection and will lead to greater absorption of the poison.

Is a bite from a black widow spider a serious injury?
Spider Spider
Yes, particularly when it affects young children. Occasional fatalities have been reported. Bites from these spiders are characterized by severe abdominal pain and board–like stiffness of the abdominal muscles.

How can one recognize a black widow spider?
It has a rounded, jet–black body with a red marking on its belly in the shape of an hourglass.
This is the female of the species and the one to be avoided. The black widow mate does not bite.

What is the first-aid treatment for a black widow spider bite?
It should be treated just like snakebite, by making a crossed incision over the bite and sucking out the poison. A tourniquet should be applied above the bite just tight enough to cut off the return circulation. The pulse should still be obtainable.
Medical consultation should be sought quickly as there are counteracting medications to the bite of a black widow spider. Physical exertion should be avoided as much as possible.

What should be done for the bites of the other spiders, poisonous centipedes, scorpions, or tarantulas?
These should be treated similarly to a black widow spider bite.

Are the stings of centipedes, scorpions, or tarantulas very serious?
Usually not. The only time a sting from these insects endangers life is when it happens to a young infant or when the bite is on the face or neck. However, stings from these insects may produce severe temporary symptoms and great discomfort.

Snake Bites
First-aid treatment for a snake bite
Since it is not always possible to tell whether the snake is poisonous, precautions should be taken in all cases of snakebite. The following procedures should be carried out: A tourniquet should be placed just above the site of the bite. This should be only tight enough to stop venous flow and must not cut off the pulse. Anything, such as handkerchief, tie, or belt can be used as a tourniquet. The tourniquet must be released every twenty minutes for a ten–minute interval. A crossed incision should be made over the site of the bite, and the bite should be sucked out. The patient should be put at absolute rest and should undergo as little physical exertion as possible. Have the patient transported to the nearest hospital and, if possible, ascertain the type of snake that caused the bite.

Is alcohol a good remedy for snakebite?
Absolutely not.

Snakebite Snakebite
Snake BiteAre the bites of poisonous snakes always fatal?
On the contrary, the majority of adults recover from snakebites. This is especially true is they can be admitted to a hospital promptly for the administration of the appropriate antivenin. The danger is greater in children, as the snake poison is apt to be more overwhelming.