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Most of our medical problems can be rightfully blamed on our lifestyle. As a result, a revolution on health is the need. We now know that we have a great deal of control over our health, that taking pills and going to the doctor are less important than the steps we can take on our own. The bodybuilding ethic has shown us how to look better and feel better both physically and emotionally. 


Bodybuilding Bodybuilding

Body building’s contribution to health has been great. Some major benefits to the millions of people on regular exercise programs are a decrease in the risk of heart disease and an increase in life expectancy. Bodybuilding has promoted a healthy diet of unprocessed, whole foods with lots of fruits and vegetables, the kind of nutrition we know helps prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Bodybuilding has created positive changes in eating habits. The quest for muscularity has brought about a limitation of certain foods, especially those with fat. Smoking has been linked directly with the major killers like lung cancer and heart disease. Bodybuilding has contributed to a significant drop in smoking in adults. A person who takes bodybuilding seriously knows that alcohol, if consumed at all, should be taken in moderation. Some benefits of bodybuilding underline its anatomical effects.

Despite our awareness of the more evident medical problems, many of us overlook the major health factor called stress. Stress situations are abound in our world today.They drive up our cholesterol and sugar levels. The results are heart attacks, stomach problems, backaches and increased sensitivity to pain. Stress can lead to alcohol, drug abuse and bad eating habits.

Studies have shown that people involved in social activities have fewer illnesses and live longer lives. The sense of belonging becomes an elixir for our soul, which in turn influences our very body chemistry. When you are involved with bodybuilding training you interact with people, not only directly in the gym but also around you. Bodybuilding links us to others. It not only helps us personally, it turns our focus outward. As bodybuilders, we become object examples that others can follow. In a kind of reverse psychology, it shows our concern and support for them. As role models, we get a sense of commitment, joy and self–esteem that can dissolve the stress in our daily lives. You can’t stay well in a stressful world unless you are involved with people. As bodybuilders, we influence others for the better. The interaction provides supplemental assurance for our own well–being. It is not too much of an exaggeration that for those who have been bitten by the bodybuilding bug, life revolves around training. In other words, bodybuilding becomes a way of life.