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The gradual loss of hearing that occurs as you age is a common condition. Over time, the wear and tear from noise contributes to hearing loss by damaging the cochlea, a part of your inner ear. Doctors believe that heredity and chronic exposure to loud noises are the main factors that contribute to hearing loss. At times earwax blockage, can prevent your ears from conducting sounds as well as they should. Damage to the inner ear can’t be reversed though you and your doctor or hearing specialist (audiologist) can take steps to improve what you hear.

Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss may include Treatment of Loss of Hearing
If your hearing loss is due to damage to your inner ear, a hearing aid may be helpful. Getting used to a hearing aid takes time. The sound you hear is different because it’s amplified. You may need to try more than one device to find one that works well for you. Hearing aids come in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles. Some hearing aids rest behind your ear with a small tube delivering the amplified sound to the ear canal. Other styles fit in the outer ear or within the ear canal. If you can’t hear as well as you used to because of earwax blockage, your doctor can remove the wax and improve your hearing. This is a very simple painless procedure. If you have severe hearing loss, a cochlear implant may be an option. Unlike a hearing aid, a cochlear implant takes the place of the damaged or nonworking parts of the inner ear.