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FAQs on Dogs

We have boxer puppies, when is a good time to bring the puppy home. The puppies are 3 weeks, eyes are open but still nursing.

Most experts agree that the best time to bring home a puppy is 7–8 weeks of age. At that time they are developed enough mentally to leave their litter mates. Until then it is important for them to remain with their litter mates because they are still learning and socializing. Puppies brought home too early can be scarred mentally for life, suffering from shyness, be withdrawn or be fearful of their surroundings
We have boxer puppies, when is a good time to bring the puppy home. The puppies are 3 weeks, eyes are open but still nursing.
Most experts agree that the best time to bring home a puppy is 7-8 weeks of age. At that time they are developed enough mentally to leave their litter mates. Until then it is important for them to remain with their litter mates because they are still learning and socializing. Puppies brought home too early can be scarred mentally for life; suffering from shyness, be withdrawn or be fearful of their surroundings.
My 11 yr old son wants a puppy in the summer which I feel sure he can take care of. The problem is, my husband is allergic to cats and some dogs. But I don’t know which dogs. I have been told there are dogs which don’t shed as much and/or don’t have as much dander as others and might be ok. I have also been told that if you have lots of green plants in the home, it negates some of the problem with dander. Can you let me know the answers of these questions so that I will know how to proceed?
Look for a dog like a poodle, Irish Water Spaniel, Curly Coated Retriever, Bichon Frise. Dogs with a curly coat. These dogs tend to shed less. There is also a product called Allerpet which helps control the dander and saliva which most allergic people are sensitive to. Your best bet is to have your husband spend some time with dogs of these types to see if he can tolerate them. You can do this at a breeder, the local humane society or if you have a friend with a dog of this type.
I just brought a six weeks Pittbull, I see that it’s scratching itself. What can I use to kill any fleas or ticks that the puppy could have , and can you tell how can I train him to go outside to do his duties, and if this puppy is a good pet to have when you have children?
First of all, make sure he does have fleas. Allergies and skin disorders can also cause scratching. If he does have fleas, call your vet and see what they recommend, 6 weeks is too young for most conventional flea treatments. One thing to be concerned about is how young this pup is, generally its not good for them to leave their mothers until 8-12 weeks. They lose out on a lot of social development when separated so early. As far as housebreaking goes, try crate training or paper training, there are several good books on the subject. Any puppy, regardless of breed, can be good with children if brought up properly. I would get this puppy into a"Puppy kindergarten” class as soon as all of his shots are completed, just for the socialization. Because this breed has a bad reputation, and the ability to do serious harm if trained incorrectly, I would enroll in an obedience class around 6-8 months of age.
My dog was hit by a car and had to have stitches in his leg, now he seems to want to hide in the bathroom. Can you please tell me what I can do to help him (he was hit about a week ago)?
Dogs often will try to hide when they are in pain. When you take your dog in to get the sutures removed, be sure to mention that your dog has been hiding, and have your vet give the dog a complete check up. As long as nothing is physically wrong, (other than his car accident injuries) you may just want to give him time. He’s probably still very sore from the accident. You can always close the bathroom door so he can’t get in there. Just give him lots of love and attention, eventually he’ll realize that he’s missing out by staying in the bathroom!
I have a 15 year old mixed beagle/basset hound. He is now blind and deaf. When do you know it is time for euthanasia? He has a sore from laying in the same place so much, like a bed sore.
I always recommend a consultation with the vet. You usually know when its time in your heart and the vet can confirm this so there is no guilt involved. Its never an easy decision , but we have to think of what’s best for the animal. If the animal is no longer enjoying its life and doesn’t seem interested in what’s going on around it, its usually a pretty good indication.
Are dogs allergic to chocolate?
No but there is an ingredient in chocolate that is toxic to them. Therefore you should NEVER give your dog chocolate.
Do dogs have"Baby-teeth” which they can lose?
Yes all dogs have puppy teeth which they usually begin to lose at around 4-6 months of age.
I have a Siberian Husky. The flies are repeatedly embedding themselves in the outsides of her ears and biting her, causing bleeding, which in turn draws more flies. I have tried to keep the affected area clean and I have tried spraying repellent on it. Is there something I can add to her diet to repel these flies?
There’s nothing you can put in the diet. Ask your vet if he has anything which might work. If not, try looking at an equine store for something they use for horses. There is a paste like fly repellant that might work.
Is the dog wormer that you can buy at a discount store the same as the one you get from a vet?
No. The medication at the vet works faster and better than the stuff found at pet stores. Plus your vet can pinpoint what type of worm your dog has and treat just that parasite.

FAQs on Cats

I have looked all over the internet trying to find out how much, how often and what I should feed my new 6 week old kitten. Can you help me?

If you feel you must keep your kitten on a “Schedule”, at six weeks he should be eating at least four times a day. If you keep the dry food down all the time, he will eat when he is hungry. Most pet stores sell “Self–feeders”, thus allowing you to keep food down for him all the time. If you want to, you can also offer a canned, or “Wet” food to him, once or twice daily but more as a treat than as a steady diet
I have looked all over the internet trying to find out how much, how often and what I should feed my new 6 week old kitten. Can you help me?
If you feel you must keep your kitten on a “Schedule”, at six weeks he should be eating at least four times a day. If you keep the dry food down all the time, he will eat when he is hungry. Most pet stores sell “Self-feeders”, thus allowing you to keep food down for him all the time. If you want to, you can also offer a canned, or “Wet” food to him, once or twice daily but more as a treat than as a steady diet.
Start him early on a premium food, such as Iambs or Science Diet. These foods contain very little filler and are loaded with the proper amount of vitamins and nutrients for a growing kitten. Do not give a young kitten cow’s milk, as this quite often causes diarrhea in cats and kittens but make sure that he gets lots of fresh water. Good luck and enjoy your new little guy!
My cat had kittens about 6 weeks ago. I am keeping one of the six kittens. When do I stop giving the kitten milk (Milk replacement for weaning)?
You should be weaning the kitten over to solid foods now. Kittens should be offered solid food at 4 weeks, and be completely weaned by 6-8 weeks. Try mixing some high quality kitten kibble with the milk replacement until the kitten is used to eating solid food.
I have a 2 1/2 year old male cat. During his annual exam, my vet diagnosed him with a heart murmur. My vet explained what it is and said the only way to help my cat was to keep his weight down. My vet said he has never had a cat die of congenial heart failure but has seen dogs who have. How long can I expect my cat to live with this condition? Is weight the only way I can help him?
I have had cats and dogs live up to 15 years with congenital murmurs. I would just tell the owners not to let the animal know they have it or they get a cardiac complex like people do. Weight and moderate exercise is important-weight first. This is depending on the type of murmur. If it sounds or feels like a toilet flushing the chances of survival are very good-make sure it is checked periodically.
I recently found 4 kittens unattended under my house about 1 week old or less. I’ve been milk feeding them but notice fleas on them. I’m concerned about fleas growth and contamination of our other cats in the house, when is it safe to deflea these kittens. The medication that we bought states that cats must be over 6 weeks old to apply. Can you tell me why this is and what would be the problem of applying the solution to them now. Is the flea medication worse than the fleas at this point and why?