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Summary Chart of Blood Components

Component Major Indications Action
Whole Blood Symptomatic anemia with large volume deficit Restoration of oxygen – Carrying capacity, restoration of blood volume
Red Blood Cells Symptomatic anemia with large volume deficit Restoration of oxygen – Carrying capacity, restoration of blood volume
Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes (white blood cells) removed Symptomatic anemia, febrile reactions from leukocyte antibodies Restoration of oxygen – Carrying capacity
Red Blood Cells, Adenine–Saline added Symptomatic anemia with volume deficit Restoration of oxygen – Carrying capacity
Fresh Frozen Plasma Deficit of labile and stable plasma coagulations factors Source of labile and no labile plasma factors
Liquid Plasma and Plasma Deficit of stable coagulation factors Source of labile and non–labile factors
Cryo–Precipitated AHF Hemophilia A, von Will brand’s Disease, Hypofibrino–genemia Factor XIII deficiency Provides Factor VIII, fibrinogen, vWF, and Factor XIII
Platelets: Platelets, Pheresis Bleeding from Thrombo Cytopenia or platelet function Improves hemostasis
Granulocytes Pheresis (white blood cells) Neutropenia with infection Provides Granulo cytes