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The most noble of all professions.
Career Options?
Know your field.

We at believe that being a doctor is more a responsibility than a privilege. Its more of what you can give the community than what you can get from it. Its a very demanding profession.

Academic Qualifications
Higher Secondary Exam (12th) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (in some states also require mathematics).

Desirable Characteristics

Rules vary among different states in India. After passing the Higher Secondary Exams (XIIth, 10+2). While some states select students by merit, others have a common state entrance test. While some colleges have their own entrance test, others also offer capitation seats. While some states require state domicile, others have caste reservations.
Deals with the prevention and treatment of all human diseases through the agency of allopathic drugs, surgery and counseling. Around 125 medical colleges in India offer a 5.6 years course leading to a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.B.B.S).

Deals with the prevention and treatment of oral diseases of teeth only through the agency of allopathic drugs, surgery and counseling. Around 28 dental colleges in India offer a 4 years course leading to a Bachelors Degree in Dental Surgery (B.D.S).

Career options for a Doctor
Every medical student faces a dilemma at graduation - what next?
In view of the scarce counseling available, has made an effort to help.

Career options for a MBBS graduates
You can set up your own private general practice (GP). The job is demanding in being a 24 hrs cover. Being a family doctor, you will see the patient from ‘Cradle to grave’ providing total patient care.

While some take up houseman posts in hospitals, some opt to become medical officers in the government healthcare system. Medical officers serve Primary Health Centers (PHC) and Rural Hospitals (RH) in villages or General Hospitals in cities.