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Besides the expansion of the inpatient capacity of the hospital to 350 beds, a few of the facilities planned for the future are enumerated below
- Trauma care
A trauma unit which will include a new and well equipped casualty area with a minor theatre complex will soon be organized, specialists in trauma care already from part of the hospital facility.
- Open heart surgery and invasive cardiology
With one of the city’s best facilities for non–invasive cardiac diagnosis and an intensive cardiac care unit already available, it is important for the hospital to be able to offer comprehensive care to patients with cardiac disease. A cardiac cath lab and open heart surgery facility have therefore become necessary.
- The busy departments of neurology and neurosurgery require extensive upgradation. neurointensive care, a stroke unit, facility for steriotactic surgery and installation of more modern equipment is planned.
- Pathology
with its steadily increasing workload stands in crying need to fully automated equipment to increase its efficiency.
- AMRI for the department of radiology.
- Video endoscopic equipment.