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Sadhu Vaswani Medical Complex Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital
Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune, named after its founder Sadhu T. L. Vaswani has been serving humanity for more than the last 45 years, in the fields of education, medical relief and cultural and spiritual advancement.

Inlaks Hospital, Pune Inlaks Hospital, Pune
In the year 1989, The Sadhu Vaswani Mission completed the project of a well designed 150 bed hospital at 7–9 koregaon park, pune, fully equipped with modern, sophisticated equipments at a cost of 6.5 crores. The hospital has been named after the Inlaks foundation of london and the budhrani family of singapore, who are the main donors of this project. The Hospital was inaugurated on 9th January 1989 at the holy hands of mother teresa (nobel laureate) in the presence of revered dada J. P. Vaswani, Head of Sadhu Vaswani Mission and a distinguished gathering. The ideal placed before the hospital is: “Every Patient is a Picture of God, To serve him is to worship God”.

Computer Department Computer Department
The Hospital has completed ten years in the service of the public of pune and surrounding areas and during this short period, has made its mark as a modern, well equipped hospital, fully dedicated to the service of the public and the hospital has been extending its services free of charge and at concessional rates to a very large number of poor and needy patients, irrespective, of religion, caste or creed.

Operation Theatre Operation Theatre
Operation theatre besides the inlaks & budhrani general hospital the Sadhu Vaswani Mission has established morbal naraindas budhrani cancer institute in the same campus which has been equipped with the latest state of the art equipments like The cost of this project is over INR 15 crores.

X-ray Unit X–ray Unit
The cancer institute has all the departments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, nuclear medicine and bone marrow transplant under one roof. The cancer institute has been functional since november, 1995. The progress achieved by the Inlaks & Budhrani hospital and morbai naraindas budhrani cancer institute is mainly due to the constant guidance given by reverd dada J. P. Vaswani.

Laboratary Analysis Laboratary Analysis
For accommodating Resident Doctors and Nurses a 5 storeyed building has been X–ray constructed on the campus of the hospital. This building which has been named as Smt. Morbai and Naraindas Budhrani Healers’ Home (staff quarters for doctors and nurses) has 44 rooms to accommodate 88 single doctors and nurses and 8 family quarters for married doctors. The budhrani family of singapore are the donors for this building was inaugurated by his holiness the Dalai Lama (Nobel Laureate) on 4th December, 1993.

The Inlaks & Budhrani hospital is a multi–disciplined general hospital having the following departments.