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Dept. of Physiotherapy
Ruby Hall Clinic Introduces – Yoga Classes
Ruby Hall Clinic introduces Yoga Classes, where both Men and Women above 15 years of age, having no serious health problems are enrolled. Person with moderate medical problems requiring personal attention should seek the prior consent of their Doctor before enrollment.

Ruby Hall Clinic Opened its Antenatal Classes
Offering regular courses on the care of the mother during pregnancy and child birth under highly qualified consultants Prenatal exercises and breathing techniques will be taught simultaneously by Mrs.M. Vakil, trained for the purpose at Soonawalla Clinic – Mumbai.

The first course started from 22nd November 1999
New Installation
Diagnostic Hysteroscope: In keeping pace with the advances in the medical field. Ruby Hall Clinic has now got its own Diagnostic Hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy procedure has several advantages over routine D and C procedure done for menstrual irregularities. Biopsy is obtained under direct vision and hence it is more accurate in diagnosing the pathology.

The procedure can be done under local anaesthesia and hence is more cost effective and safer for the patient. Hysterospy and Biopsy is now the gold standard in the diagnosis of menorrhagia and we hope that a greater number of patients can avail of this up to date diagnostic technique.

The Physiotherapy
Department was inaugurated by Dr. K. B. Grant on 18th October, 1999 on the auspicious occasion of Dassera.

An extention wing of the Intensive Coronary Care Unit, comprising of 10 beds, was inaugurated by Mr. Rasiklal Dhariwal. Ever since the new CCU was started 7 months ago, the occupancy of the Unit has been touching nearly 100% and hence, the need to cater for more number of seriously ill patients affected with heart disease, was felt. In this new Unit, even General Ward patients will avail of modern gadgetry, central oxygen supply and expert medical care Mr. and Mrs. Dhariwal both expressed their satisfaction at seeing the new Unit and wished the hospital all success.