Hits: 24666
Historical Background/Periodical Development
Hospital Hospital
Government of India is committed to provide health care to all its citizens. To achieve the above goal government of Maharashtra is providing preventive and curative health care to all its citizens. The facilities & services at hospitals are constantly upgraded by providing newer equipments, by providing better buildings & strengthening first, second and third referral centers. The hospitals are also getting registered with Maharashtra pollution control Board for safe disposal of biomedical waste generated in the hospital. The referral services are strengthened by providing training, referral slips, registers & monthly monitoring services. As a result we have data available on referral services, which shows encouraging results.

Hospital Services in the State
Health Institute No. of Hospitals No. of Beds
District Hospitals 23 5486
Sub–District Hospital 200 bedded 3 602
Sub–District Hospital 100 bedded 22 2200
Sub–District Hospital 50 bedded 56 2800
Women Hospitals 8 1126
Regional Referral Hospitals 2 200
Trauma Units 53 (30+23) 1060
Mobile Units 13
Total 180 13474

Objectives of Hospital Services
Hospital Services in the State
Provision of secondary health care to the community by establishment of 1st referral & 2nd referral and 3 rd referral hospitals.

Emergency medical services
Burn Wards
Reduction in mortality & morbidity due to burns by establishing burn wards.

Trauma Care Unit
Reduction in morbidity & mortality due to Trauma by provision of pre hospital care, hospital care & rehabilitation.There are 23 trauma units at district and 30 at sub district & rural hospitals.

ICU Services
Reduction in morbidity & mortality by providing intensive care to Trauma cases & cardiac cases.

NICU Services
Reduction in IMR by reducing neo natal mortality rate, early neo natal mortality rate & peri natal mortality rate.

C.T. Scan
Reduction in mortality & morbidity due to trauma, brain problems, cerebrovascular accidents by providing dignostic tool in the form of CT Scan.

Reduction in morbidity & mortality due to cardiac problems.

Women Hospitals
Establishment of District Hospitals, SDH–200, SDH–100, SDH–50, Women Hospitals and trauma units with fixed norm of logistics i.e. staff, instruments equipments & financial support.

Burn Wards
Establishment of Burn Wards with fixed norm of staff, instruments equipments & financial support.

Upgradation & modernisation of Burns Ward is done in following District Hospitals.

Sr. No. Districts Sr. No. Districts
1 Raigad 12 Parbhani
2 Thane 13 Osmanabad
3 Ulhasnagar Central Hospital 14 Beed
4 Ratnagiri 15 Amravati
5 Pune Chest Hospital 16 Buldhana
6 Satara 17 Wardha
7 Nashik 18 Bhandara
8 Jalgaon 19 Gadchiroli
9 Ahmednagar 20 Chandrapur
10 Sindudurga 21 Gondia
11 Jalna  

Trauma Care Unit
Establishment of 53 Bedded Trauma Centers with 20 beds each. At District level & sub district level with fixed norm of logistics & human resource.
Sr. No. District Hospitals Sr. No. District Hospitals
1 Alibag 13 Hingoli
2 Thane 14 Beed
3 Ratnagiri 15 Osmanabad
4 Nashik 16 Amrawati
5 Jalgaon 17 Buldhana
6 Ahmednagar 18 Washim
7 Nandurbar 19 Gondia
8 Pune 20 Bhandara
9 Satara 21 Wardha
10 Sindudurga 22 Chandrapur
11 Jalna 23 Gadchiroli
12 Parbhani  

Trauma Care Hospitals at Sub District Hospitals

Sr. No. All District Hospitals Sr. No. All District Hospitals
1 RH Mahad, Raigad 16 SDH 100 Omerga,Osmanabad
2 RH Sangmeshwar, Raigad 17 SDH 50 Georai, Beed
3 SDH 50 Kamthe, Ratnagiri 18 RH Kej, Beed (8.3.06)
4 RH Manchar, Pune 19 SDH 50 Kinwat, Nanded
5 RH Pachod, Aurangabad 20 RH Naigaon, Nanded
6 RH Kannad, Aurangabad 21 Gen Hospital Khamgaon, Buldhana
7 SDH 50 Gangapur, Aurangabad 22 SDH 50Pandherkawada, Yavatmal
8 SDH 100 Vaijapur, Aurangabad 23 RH Karanja (Ghadgi) Wardha
9 SDH 50 Sillod, Aurangabad 24 SDH 100 Hinganghat, Wardha
10 RH Ghansavangi, Jalna 25 RH Deoria, Gondia
11 RH Mantha, Jalna 26 Telgaon, Beed
12 SDH 50 Basmat, Hingoli 27 RH Bhokar, Nanded
13 RH Ahmedpur, Latur 28 RH Ajintha, Aurangabad
14 RH Murud, Latur 29 RH Jintur, Parbhani
15 SDH 100 Udgir, Latur 30 Central Hospital Ulhasnagar

Mobile Medical Units
As per the government regulation mobile medical units are set up at District and Sub district hospitals as follows:
Sr. No. Mobile Medical Unit Sr. No. Mobile Medical Unit
1 District Hospital, Jalna 8 District Hospital, Aurangabad
2 District Hospital, Parbhani 9 Sub District Hospital – Mukhed, Nanded
3 District Hospital, Hingoli 10 Sub District Hospital, Udgir, Latur
4 District Hospital, Latur 11 Sub District Hospital, Kaij, Beed
5 District Hospital, Osmanabad 12 Sub District Hospital, Vaijapur, Aurangabad
6 District Hospital, Beed 13 Sub District Hospital, Umerga, Osmanabad
7 District Hospital, Nanded  

Following health facilities are provided by mobile medical units
  1. To arrange health checkup camps.
  2. To arrange camps in epidemic at the actual site to control epidemic.
  3. To visit accident spots and give necessary treatment.
  4. To survey different epidemic.
  5. To create awareness about health and hygiene in community.
  6. To help in day to day work of hospitals.
  7. To arrange check up in schools.
  8. To participate in various national health programs.
ICU Services
Establishment of ICU’s at district hospitals & SDH 100 by providing fixed norm of staff, instruments equipments & financial support. Six beded ICU at District Hospitals and four beded ICU at SDH 100. ICU facility available at:
Sr. No. Name of District District Hospitals SDH – 100
1 Thane Thane Sahapur/Dahanu/Jawhar
2 Alibad Alibag Mangaon
3 Ratnagiri Ratnagiri
4 Aundh General Hospital Aundh General Hospital
5 Satara Satara Karad
6 solapur Pandharpur
7 Nashik Nashik Kalwan
8 Jalgaon Jalgaon Chopda
9 Ahmednagar Ahmednagar
10 Dhule Shirpur
11 Nandurbar Nandurbar
12 Kolhapur Gadhingalaj
13 Sindhudurg Oras Swantwadi/Kankawali
14 Aurangabad Vajipur
15 Jalna Jalna
16 Parbhani Parbhani
17 Hingoli Hingoli
18 Latur Udgir
19 Osmanabad Osmanabad Omerga
20 Beed Beed Parali
21 Nanded Mukhed
22 Akola Murtizapur
23 Amravati Amravati Achalpur
24 Buldhana Buldhana Shegaon
25 Washim Washim
26 Wardha Wardha Hinganghat
27 Bhandara Bhandara Tumsar
28 Gadchiroli Gadchiroli
29 Chandrapur Chandrapur
30 Gondia Gondia

NICU Services
Establishment of NICUs at all district hospitals by provision of specified norm of staff, instruments equipments & financial support.

NICU Services are made available in General Hospitals of following Districts.

Sr. No. NICU Available Hospitals Sr. No. NICU Available Hospitals
1 Alibag 13 Beed
2 Thane 14 Jalna
3 Ratnagiri 15 Amravati
4 Pune 16 Buldhana
5 Satara 17 Wardha
6 Nashik 18 Bhandara
7 Jalgaon 19 Gadchiroli
8 Ahmednagar 20 Chandrapur
9 Nandurbar 21 Gondia
10 Sindhudurg 22 Washim
11 Parbhani 23 Hingoli
12 Osmanabad    

C.T. Scan
Establishment of CT Scan centers at district hospitals with provision of CT Scan machines, other logistics, specified staff & financial support.The facility of C.T. Scan is available in General Hospitals of following Districts.

Sr. No. List of District Hospitals where C.T. Scanner supplied Sr. No. List of District Hospitals where C.T. Scanner supplied
1 Raigad 12 Hingoli
2 Thane 13 Osmanabad
3 Ratnagiri 14 Beed
4 Satara 15 Amaravati
5 Nashik 16 Buldhana
6 Jalgaon 17 Wardha
7 Ahmednagar 18 Bhandara
8 Nandurbar 19 Gadchiroli
9 Oras 20 Chandrapur
10 Jalna 21 Gondia
11 Parbahani 22 Central Hospital, Ulhasnagar–3

Marathwada Vikas Package
With reference cabinet meeting at Aurangabad dated 25 october 2007 Marathwada Package was declared as under for the year 2008–09 & 2009–10.
  1. Upgradation Rural Hospital Kej Dist Beed to 50 beds.
  2. 100 Beds Hospital at Nanded.
  3. Truma care centre in Rural Hospital Bokar, Telgaon, Ajinta, Jintur.
  4. Truma care centre at Parbhani to 50 beds.
  5. Upgradation Rural Hospital Tulajapur Dist Osmanabad is upgradation in 100 beds Hosptial.
  6. Woman Hospital at Hingoli and Osmanabad.
National Rural Health Mission
The National Rural Health Mission is selected 171 hospital are Indian Public Helaht Ruls upgradation. Under for the year 2007–08 are 66 Hopsital selection, 24 District Hopsital and other Hospital selected in National Rural Health Mission.

In State 22 District Hosptial and Sub District Hosptial are Telemedicine Facility Services are Provide for ISRO.

National Cancer Control Programme
Cancer of the cervix is most common cancer in Indian Women after age 35 years so papsmear testing is made available at all District Hopsital/Women Hosptial in the state under Cancer Control Programme.

One Gynaecologist, Pathologist and Lab. Tech. from each District Hospitals are trained for this purpose, one Microscope with sufficient number of slides and chemicals have been provided to all institiutions. Uptill now endoscopees has been provided at Distirct Hosptial, Ratnagiri, Amaravati and Bhandara so it is helpful for diagnosis of gastro intestinal and upper respiratory track Cancers. Endoscope for remaining hospitals will be provided in xth five year Plan by phase manner. In this scheme government has decided to provide Bronchoscope at Distirct Hospital, Akola, Buldhana, Wardha and Chandrapur and equipment will be supply to this hospital. Government decided to this facility will be provided in remaining district hospital. Government decided to this facility will be porvided in remaining district hospital by phase manner. The District Hospitals have been provided with endoscopes, bronchoscopes and Gastroscops by the MHSDP.

Bombay Nursing Home Act 1949
This act is initially launched for the Bombay city under the Govt. U. D. P. H & H. D. Secretariat, Mumbai resolution no. NHM 1161/33950/39497 – G–11 dtd. 10/5/1973. It is further implemented for all Maharashtra vide notification issued through Govt. Resolution No. Sankirna 2002/CR–225/PH–4, dtd 15/1/05.

All the Private/Charitable nursing homes and maternity homes which are working under the jurisdictions of Municipal councils/Village Panchayats are compulsory to registered under this act. In this connetion all Chief Executive Officers and Collectors are communicated to advertise the said matter in their local newspapers.

Nurisng homes/Pvt. Hospitals should be authorized, Govt. recognized. The main objectives of this act is that all the private nursing homes should work legally and smoothly. They are easily monitered. Also trained medical/para medical staff.sufficient facilities, required equipments should be available. The requisite registration fee is charged for this registration. Also this registration should be renewed after every 3 years.

Registration should be done as under Bombay Nursing Home registration process is undergoing.

In the Winter session assembly December, 2005 amendment act 2005 for Bombay Nursing Home registration act 1949 is amendment by Law in Bombay Nursing registration (Amendment) 2005.

Echo Cardiography
Provision of Echo cardiography machine to dignose cardiac problems by provision of trained man power.

Echo Cardiography & Stress Test facilities are made available in 19 District Hospitals in 1998.

Sr. No. Districts Sr. No. Districts
1 Akola 11 Osmanabad
2 Chandrapur 12 Ahamadnagar
3 Wardha 13 Ratnagiri
4 Jalgaon 14 Beed
5 Buldhana 15 Latur
6 Gadchiroli 16 Satara
7 Amravati 17 Raigad
8 Bhandara. 18 Thane
9 Kolhapur 19 Parabhani
10 Nashik  

Women Hospitals
Establishment of 8 women hospitals as under

Name of Hospital No of Beds Name of Hospital No of Beds
Govt. Maternity Home, UNR 4 50 Women Hospital, Amrawati 189
Women Hospital, Jalna 60 Women Hospital, Gondia 80
Women Hospital, Akola 292 Women Hospita,Beed 60
Daga Women Hospital, Nagpur 335 Women Hospital,Parbhani 60

District Training Centers where building available

Name of District Name of District
Thane Parbhani
Nashik Beed
Raigad Osmanabad
Jalgaon Amravati
Ahmednagar Chandrapur
Jalna Wardha

Disaster Management Scheme
Trauma Units
Ayurvedic Clinics: Along with the allopathic services which are available in Civil Hospitals. The state govt. has sanctioned separate OPD for services of Ayurvedic medicine. One Post of Aurvedic specialist has been sanctioned at all SDH 100.

Taking into account the response that is received at these Civil Hospital in Ayurvedic Clinics, The state govt. is actively considering starting Ayurvedic OPD. in the all Civil Hospital in a phased manner.

Service Centers available in each District
Service Centers/List of Hospitals

Sr. No. List of District Hospital Beds Sr. No. List of District Hospital Beds
1 District Hospital Thane 336 13 District Hospital Hingoli 200
2 District Hospital Alibag 200 14 District Hospital Beed 300
3 District Hospital Ratnagiri 200 15 District Hospital Osmanabad 200
4 District Hospital Nashik 541 16 District Hospital Amaravati 373
5 District Hospital Jalgaon 300 17 District Hospital Buldhana 300
6 District Hospital Ahmadnagar 200 18 District Hospital Washim 200
7 District Hospital Nandurbar 200 19 District Hospital Gondia 200
8 District Hosptial Pune 300 20 District Hospital Bhandara 400
9 District Hospital Satara 200 21 District Hospital Wardha 200
10 District Hosptial Sindhudurg 200 22 District Hospital Chandrapur 300
11 District Hospital Parbhani 335 23 District Hospital Gadchiroli 200
12 District Hospital Jalna 200  
Total Beds 6085

Sr. No. List of General Hospital Beds Sr. No. List of General Hospital Beds
1 GH Malegaon 200 3 GH Khamgaon 200
2 Central Hospital Ulhasnagar 202  
Total Beds 602

Sr. No. List of Women Hospital Beds Sr. No. List of Women Hospital Beds
1 Govt. Mat. Home Ur-4 50 5 Daga Women Hospital Nagpur 335
2 Jalna 60 6 WH Parbahani 60
3 Akola 300 7 Neknoor Dist. Beed 60
4 Amaravati 200 8 BGW Gondia 200
Total Beds 1265

Sr. No. List of SDH 100 Beds Sr. No. List of SDH 100 Beds
1 SDH Sahapur, Dist Thane 100 12 SDH Kankawali Dist Sindhudurg 100
2 SDH Dahanu, Dist Thane 100 13 SDH Vaijapur Dist Aurangabad 100
3 SDH Jawhar, Dist Thane 100 14 SDH Udgir Dist Latur 100
4 SDH Mangaon, Dist Raigad 100 15 SDH Omarga Dist Osmanabad 100
5 SDH Karad, Satara 100 16 SDH Parali Dist Beed 100
6 SDH Pandharpur Dist Solapur 100 17 SDH Mukhed Dist Nanded 100
7 SDH Kalwan Dist Nashik 100 18 SDH Murtizapur Dist Akola 100
8 SDH Chopda Dist Jalgaon 100 19 SDH Achalpur Dist Amravati 100
9 SDH Shirpur Dist Dhule 100 20 SDH Shegaon Dist Buldhana 100
10 SDH Gadhingalaj Dist Kolhapur 100 21 SDH Hinganghat Dist Wardha 100
11 SDH Sawantwadi Dist Sindhudurg 100 22 SDH Tumsar Dist Bhandara 100
Total Beds 2200

Sr. No. List SDH 50 Beds Sr. No. List SDH 50 Beds
1 Kasa 50 29 Gangapur 50
2 Pen 50 30 Ambad 50
3 Karjat 50 31 Selu 50
4 Dapoli 50 32 Gangakhed 50
5 Kamthe-Chiplun 50 33 Basmat 50
6 Indapur 50 34 Nilanga 50
7 Bhor 50 35 Paranda 50
8 Duand 50 36 Georai 50
9 Phaltan 50 37 Deglur 50
10 Karmala 50 38 Hadgaon 50
11 Akluj 50 39 Gokunda 50
12 Chandwad 50 40 Dharani 50
13 Niphad 50 41 Daryapur 50
14 Manmad 50 42 Morshi 50
15 Mukatainagar 50 43 Malkapur 50
16 Jamner 50 44 Darwha 50
17 Karjat 50 45 Pandharkawada 50
18 Pathardi 50 46 Pusad 50
19 Dondaicha 50 47 Ramtek 50
20 Taloda 50 48 Kamthi 50
21 Navapur 50 49 Arvi 50
22 Kodoli 50 50 Sakoli 50
23 Gandhinagar Hosp. 50 51 Kurkheda 50
24 Services Hosp 50 52 Aheri 50
25 Shiroda 50 53 Armori 50
26 Islampur 50 54 Mul 50
27 Kawathe-Mahakal 50 55 Warora 50
28 Sillod 50 56 Tiroda 50
Total Beds 2800

Dental Clinics
Taking into account the dental problem existing in the people of rural areas state govt. has decided to start dental clinics in SDH 50. Dental clinics are already available at District and SDH 100 With post of Dental Surgeon.

Training to health care providers is imparted through 12 Hospital training centres situated at District Hospitals.

Super Specialty Services
The Super Specialty Services are available in the Medical Colleges of the State. The Govt. has decided to provide these services to the rural people and therefore has decided to provide following Super Specialists to Regional Referral Centres which are developed, one for each Revenue Division. Regional Referral Centers are functioning in Nashik and Amravati.

Specialist Services
The services of 14 types of specialists are going to be started in all Civil Hospitals of which 23 are already operational.
Sr. No. Name of Hospital Sr. No. Name of Hospital
1 Thane 13 Hingoli
2 Alibag 14 Beed
3 Ratnagiri 15 Osmanabad
4 Nashik 16 Amrawati
5 Jalgaon 17 Buldhana
6 Ahmednagar 18 Washim
7 Nandurbar 19 Gondia
8 Pune 20 Bhandara
9 Satara 21 Wardha
10 Sindhudurg 22 Chandrapur
11 Parbhani 23 Gadchiroli
12 Jalna  

Name of Specialties

Sr. No. Names of Specialties Sr. No. Names of Specialties
1 Physician 8 Orthopedic Surgeon
2 Surgeon 9 ENT Specialist
3 Gynecologist 10 Radiologist
4 Anasthetist 11 Pathologist
5 Paediatrician 12 Psychiatrist
6 Dental Surgeon 13 Chest Physician
7 Ophthalmologist 14 Dermatologist

Special Features
Special Features of Programme
Secondary Health care is made available uniformly all over the state so that needy & poor patients can avail these facilities in the vicinity of their villages.

Construction work at sub district hospitals 50 beded & sub disitrict 100 beded is completed also at district hospitals additional facilities in the form of burns wards, ICU, Trauma care is made available at selected District Hospitals.

Scheme. These efforts have eased the lives of thousands of needy & poor people of Maharashtra.

Expected Community Participation
Various preventive services are organized through public participation in the form of involvement of local NGOs, IMA, Youth organization. An effort is also made to obtain donations from big industries for improving services at hospitals.

Role of NGOs
Providing secondary medical care in private sector is done by various NGOs in the state.

Important Health Education Messages Role of Other Sectors
Education department, Revenue Dept have contributed enormously in identifying proper beneficiaries & directing them to proper health facilities which is available under Jeevandayee Aarogya Yojana & Handicap Welfare Scheme. These efforts have eased the lives of thousands of needy & poor people of Maharashtra.

Secondary Health Care in the community is looked after by various hospitals in Government as well as in private sector. The State Government is committed to provide high quality Health Care in hospitals.

Others Performance
District Wise
Districtwise information of hospitals under Jt.DHS (Medical)

Circle Name of the District District Hospital No of Beds SDH 200
Thane Thane Thane 300 Central Hos. Unr-3
Raigad Alibag 200 0
Ratnagiri Ratnagiri 200 0
  3 700 1
Pune Pune Aundh General Hos. 280 0
Satara Satara 235 0
Solapur   0 0
  2 515 0
Nashik Nashik Nashik 525 Malegaon
Jalgaon Jalgaon 350 0
Ahmadnagar Ahmadnagar 200 0
Dhule   0 0
Nandurbar Nandurbar 100 0
  4 1175 1
Kolhapur Kolhapur     0
Sindhudurg Oras 80 0
Sangli   0 0
  1 80 0
Aurangabad Aurangabad   0 0
Jalna Jalna 200 0
Parbhani Parbhani 335 0
Hingoli Hingoli 100 0
  3 635 0
Latur Latur     0
Osmanabad Osmanabad 200  
Beed Beed 300  
Nanded   0  
  2 500 0
Akola Akola     0
Amaravati Amaravati 373 0
Buldhana Buldhana 300 Gen.Hosp. Khamgaon
Yavatmal   0 0
Washim Washim 100 0
  3 773 1
Nagpur Nagpur   0 0
Wardha Wardha 200 0
Bhandara Bhandara 348 0
Gadchiroli Gadchiroli 200 0
Chandrapur Chandrapur 260 0
Gondia Gondia 100 0
  5 1108  
Total 23 5486 3

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Manages the activities related to establishment like filling of vacancies, transfers etc. Also maintains the seniority list of all cadres of class I, class II staff. Seniority List