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Information Education Communication Programme
Historical Background/Periodical Development
Public Health Department, Government of Maharashtra is implementing various national health programs in the State.

As there is dire need to inform and educate people regarding these programs, as well as various health problems, State Health Education Bureau was established in 1970. The Bureau was headed by Assistant Director and supported by ministerial staff, media persons, artist, photographers, propagandist and other field staff.

To face the new challenges and to meet the field needs of health education, state government decided to upgrade the bureau.

In 1996 separate health IEC Bureau established with the amalgamation of health education bureau and the publicity wing of family welfare.

Programmes and Projects Projects
National Rural Health Mission

Objectives of Information Education Communication Programme Strategy of Information Education Communication Programme
Activities of Information Education Communication Programme Service Centers of Information Education Communication Programme
Service Centers available in each District
At district level there are two service centers headed by District Health Officer, Zilla Parishad and Civil Surgeon District Hospital. At taluka level there are Sub–District level hospitals, Rural Hospital, Cottage Hospital and Taluka Health Officer in few districts. At sub taluka level Medical Officer i/c P.H.C. and at village level sub–centers are functioning.

Services to Common People Special Features of Information Education Communication Programme
Special Features of Programme
In IEC Programme Film Show, Exhibitions are being arranged at various places, discussion on Radio and T.V. Stations, Workshops of media persons. To conduct communication skill development training.

All IEC/BCC activities are organized for behavioural change and it is a long term process.

Expected Community Participation
The community should accept the health services provided at various levels. By accepting the health services there should be change in peoples behaviour. Every programme should become a people’s programme not only of Govt. or health personnel. Political leaders, NGOs may involve in health programme to render the health services qualitatively and also quantitatively.

Role of NGOs
Activities like Health Melas, Exhibition, Film shows and communication skill development workshop are organised with the help of NGOs. The role of NGOs is important.

Role of Other Sectors
Mass Media activities are being organized with kind co–ordination with press, doordarshan, local channels, All India Radio, Publicity Department and other media agencies.