Hits: 3518

Please tell us about the satisfaction you get by doing such noble work
Ans: I am passionate about my profession. When my patients get rid of their pain I feel happy and gets motivation to work more.

One thing that you would like to recommend to our government to improve delivery of and access to health care services?
Ans: Reduce taxes on medicines or make it free.

What would you like to say on patient - doctor relation?
Ans: Relation should be friendly and not to hide anything from each other related illness.

In today's fast paced life, often it is difficult for the doctor to explain in detail to the patient about his ailment.
Ans: Yes It is essential but sometimes written notes can be provided to the patients.

Your opinion on patients surfing the Internet for health information and then asking you about what they have read.
Ans: It is ok if it is relevant and related to individual.

What do you have to say about medical negligence?
Ans: More alertness is required while practice.

What are your expectations from your patients?
Ans: Trust and Openmindness.

How comfortable are you using the Internet?
Ans: User friendly

Do you agree that the Internet and portals like can be used effectively for:

Ans: Up gradation of knowledge.

Your experience in using the Internet in your profession.
Ans: Improving

Any message you would like to give to people at large and to colleagues
We have to think for patients early betterment not to be focused on earning.
Trust on Doctor. You have a rights to ask doctor that what type of treatment they are giving to you.