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Historical Background/Periodical Development
Dengue Control activities are being carried out by staff appointed under NVBDCP and staff working at Primary Health Center level. Separate Dengue Control Programme is proposed and is under consideration at National level. In the beginning, Dengue outbreaks were reported from Urban and Peri Urban areas. But during last three years, dengue outbreaks are being reported from rural area also.

In India, dengue infection is known to exist in endemic proportions for a very long time. The first major outbreak of dengue fever accompanied by dengue haemorrhagic fever was reported in Calcutta in 1963. About sixty outbreaks have been reported during the period 1956 to 1996. Because dengue infections have the potential of rapid spread leading to an acute public health problem, special attention is required to be paid for its surveillance, prevention & control.

To reduce morbidity & mortality due to Dengue at least by 50 % in next 5 years.

Services to Common People
All Govt. Hospitals have been instructed to provide free treatment and laboratory facilities to the suspected Dengue patients.

Service centers available in each district
Treatment for Dengue is available at All Govt. Hospitals at Taluka and Dist. level & Medical College Hospitals.

Role of other sectors
Involvement & co–operation of other related sectors is obtained through the Umbrella Societies at District levels.

Non availability of separate infrastructure for Dengue Control and water scarcity leads to increase in number of Dengue cases and deaths due to dengue day by day.

Strategy of National Dengue Control Programme
Implementation strategies
Considering major outbreaks of dengue in the State of Maharashtra, the State has started vector surveillance from 1999 in all districts by giving training to 2 MPWs from each district. On the basis of entomological findings, following measures were undertaken to control/prevent dengue in the State. State has also prepared action plan for controlling Dengue outbreaks during 2003–04.

a. Fever Survey.
Collection of Blood Smears to rule out malaria.
Presumptive treatment with Chloroquine.
Collection of Serum samples for isolation of Dengue virus if there are no malaria positive cases.
Collection of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes for isolation.
The State has prepared district Action Plan for dengue control during the year 2003.
b. Indoor/outdoor fogging with Pyrethrum Extract/Synthetic Pyrethroid Ultra Low Volume(ULV )
c. To empty all domestic & Peri domestic water containers to eliminate the Aedes breeding.
d. The indoor residual spraying with Synthetic Pyrethroid.
e. The State has also supplied rapid diagnostic dengue kits (Panbio) to selected districts.
f IEC: Health Education regarding seriousness of Dengue disease, its spread and measures to be undertaken is given at the time of house visits. Posters, Pamphlets are also distributed.

Activities of National Dengue Control Programme Achievements of National Dengue Control Programme
Dengue Situation

Year No. of Outbreaks Total Serum samples
Attack Deaths Sent to NIV Dengue Positive
2001–2002 23 2917 5 237 56
2002–2003 137 2984 19 1216 409
2003–2004 301 4583 43 3177 804
2004–2005 432 3186 22 2136 855
2005–2006 267 21390 56 1534 396
2006–2007 190 11053 27 1163 609
2007–2008 160 4219 25 1439 620
2008–09 up to 25/6/08 10 421 0 349 88

(NIV – National Institute of Virology, Pune)
Expected Community Participation
Community participation is essential for the prevention & control of an outbreak of Dengue Fever (DF)/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The community must be encouraged to take steps to protect themselves from mosquitoes by eliminating mosquito breeding sites and taking personal measures such as use of bed nets, mosquito repellents etc. The co–operation of the community is also important during the periodic insecticides spray.

In pockets of high risk, active surveillance of DF/DHF should be encouraged so that first case(s) is (are) immediately reported to the local health authorities.

Co – ordinated efforts by government departments such as sanitation. urban development, education etc. are essential so that risk factors for mosquito breeding can be reduced and other control measures taken up effectively.

In an event of an outbreak, the co–operation of other government departments will help to bring it more effectively under control. An inter departmental committee for outbreak prevention and control should be constituted which should meet more periodically. Panchayat members, key community representatives and NGOs should be included as members of committee. A meeting of the committee should be convended before the expected seasonal increase of water and vector borne diseases. In districts where risk n factors exist, status of control measures of DF/DHF should also be assessed.

Important Health Education Messages
Health education to the community regarding
Important Health Education Messages
Important Health Education Messages Important Health Education Messages
Important Health Education Messages Important Health Education Messages
Important Health Education Messages
Important Health Education Messages