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Historical Background/Periodical Development
The National Mental Health Programme was initiated by the Government of India to integrate Mental Health with other Health services at rural level. It is being implemented in the state of Maharashtra since 1982, Maharashtra was the first state to implement the National Mental Health Programme.

State level Mental Health Cell is established at Directorate of Health Services Mumbai vide Public Health Department G.R.No.MHP–1090/CR–185/Arogya–3 Dt.20/07/1990. Additional Director Health Services (Mental Health) is Programme Officer.

Programme on Healing Methods
Since last 3 decades Occupational Therapists and Psychiatric social workers are working in full strength towards rehabilitation and counselling. Over a period of last 5 years as per the Supreme Court guidelines there is a revamp in the living condition of the inmates, so as to meet the protocal of human rights of mentally ill patients. After enactment of Mental Health Act the Board of Visitors and guidelines of State Mental Health Authority are strictly followed. All other various services in the field of Gynaecology, ENT, Dentistry are also made available with the help of Medical Officers of the Hospital. Liasion services with help of District General Hospital, District Tuberculosis Officer, District Leprosy Officer help us in giving further specialised health services to our inmates.

Objectives of National Mental Health Programme Strategy
Use of Mental Health Professionals within the hospital namely the Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatric Social Workers and Occupational Therapist under the guidance of Director of Health Services and Additional Director of Health Services (Mental Health) Mumbai. The idea is to treat acutely ill/Violent/unmanageable/mentally ill patients within the institute and make them managable at home level and send them back in the society in such way so as to make them earn their own bread with due respect. To treat the chronic managable patients and chronic silent patients on OPD basis as a part of maintainance therapy.

District Mental Health Programme
Three type System Activities of 4 Regional Mental Hospital
Indoor Outdoor
Services to Common People
Medical & Other Services are being provided as per the Guidelines given by H’ble High Court, Mental Health Act 1987 and Govt. Health services Hospital Services
Rural Hospitals/Sub District Hospital: Psychaitrist Cl.I Civil. Hospital visits identifie Rural Hospital and Sub District Hospitals once in a month to provide Mental Health Services to the patient from rural population. Service Centres Available in each District
4 Regional Mental Hospital in the State are functioning at the following 4 District with a bed strength of 5400 10 beded Psychiatric ward at District Hospital Ahmadnagar Nashik, Kolhapur, Latur, Osmanabad and Raigad O.P.D. Services are available at all district hospitals.

Total 77 private Licenced Psychiatric Nursing Home are functioning in the State.

Performance – Region Wise
Types of Mental Illness treated in Regional Mental Hospitals
Outdoor (As on 31–12–2007)

Sr.No. Diagnosis   Male Female Child Total Monthly Prog.
1 Organic Mental Disorder New 22 12 0 34 34 287
Old 50 136 1 187 187 1235
2 Affective Psychosis New 121 72 0 193 193 1260
Old 1107 566 1 1674 1674 12530
3 Schizophrenia New 236 161 3 400 400 2522
Old 3062 2046 2 5110 5110 35748
4 Neurosis New 31 38 0 69 69 425
Old 549 673 1 1223 1223 2346
5 Mental Retardation New 26 12 22 60 60 495
Old 112 126 4 242 242 1816
6 Epilepsy New 19 11 5 35 35 454
Old 267 116 3 386 386 969
7 Addiction New 26 5 0 31 31 242
Old 117 14 0 131 131 593
8 Other New 16 7 1 24 24 508
Old 16 3 0 19 19 4430
9 Total New 497 318 31 846 846 6193
Old 5280 3680 12 8972 8972 59667

Indoor (As on 31–12–2007)

Sr.No. Diagnosis   Male Female Child Total Monthly Prog.
1 Organic Mental Disorder New 4 0 0 4 4 22
Old 3 2 0 5 5 33
2 Affective Psychosis New 53 11 0 64 64 498
Old 404 208 0 612 612 1814
3 Schizophernia New 198 89 1 288 288 1830
Old 1030 900 0 1930 1930 9711
4 Neurosis New 0 0 0 0 0 15
Old 2 0 0 2 2 43
5 Mental Retradation New 6 2 0 8 8 65
Old 274 179 3 456 456 3062
6 Epilepsy New 3 2 0 5 5 71
Old 219 175 0 394 394 2747
7 Addiction New 17 0 0 17 17 67
Old 59 0 0 59 59 186
8 Other New 3 0 0 3 3 38
Old 29 7 0 36 36 473
9 Total New 284 104 1 389 389 2606
Old 2020 1471 3 3494 3494 18069

Special Features of National Mental Health Programme
Provision of Mental Health within the premises of general Health care system and not apart from it to reduce stigma. Provision of Mental Health through out the life span.

Expected Community Participation
By giving them rights for information and maintaining transparency in the Administration.

Encouraging them in participating in Mental Health Educational activities. Community bared rehabilitation of mentally ill persons.

Role of NGOs
In provision of health in form of Material for occupational rehabilitation of inmates and cultural activities for inmates. To disseminate knowledge on early diagnosis and prompt community support toward mental illness.

Important Health Education Messages
As per the WHO slogan Physical & Mental Health through out life span.

Role of the other Sectors
Participation of the Judiciary and NGO’s in Mental Health Educational Camps & Exhibitions, to make legal aid and guidance available to the needy free of cost.

Reduction in stigma and increase awareness towards mental health & hygiene.

District Mental Health Programme being implemented with District Mental Health Centre at Raigad. Full time Psychiatrist available at Dist. Thane, Raigad, Nashik, Dhulia, Jalgaon who visit the rural hospitals within their area or zone.

Goals Achieved
To reduce the stigma, Mental health Education programme as such are conducted in various sections of society school, colleges and within the premises of court of law, encouraging the relatives to provide in house treatment in their houses.

Provision of newer antidepressant and atypical antipsychotic drugs.

This favours better outcome of the chronic mentally ill patients. Maximum provision of occupational rehabilitation skill in form of gardening , painting, stationery making, seasonal items etc. to the inmates for the better outcome of the patients. To work and motivate the staff to achieve in maintaining basic human rights of the mentally ill patients by improving and maintaining the infrastructure.

Future plans
To start Day Care Centre & Half way homes at Regional Mental Hospitals Centre for Geriatric Health and Mental Illness in Maharashtra.